Passover, Easter, And The Paschal Full Moon

The Paschal Full Moon is the first full Moon after the spring equinox. The Paschal Full Moon is significant because it determines which date Easter falls on each year. For this reason, Easter is a movable holiday, occurring between late March to late April.
When Is The Next Paschal Full Moon?

In 2025, the first full Moon of spring occurs on April 12 at 8:22 p.m. (which is technically April 13* in Jerusalem) and thus April’s Full Pink Moon is designated as the Paschal Moon. The first Sunday after the Paschal Moon is Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. (And the Sunday that precedes it is known as Palm Sunday. In 2025, this will be April 13.)
*Farmers’ Almanac would like to extend special thanks to Gary, one of our readers who asked for more clarification on this (in the comments section below).
An Exception To The Rule
It is important to note that the date of the Paschal Full Moon may not always coincide with the actual full Moon. In fact, it can differ by as much as two days. This is because ecclesiastical authorities in the Middle Ages decided that the Paschal Full Moon would fall on the fourteenth day of the lunar month beginning after the spring equinox, known as Nisan in the Hebrew Calendar. That day roughly corresponds with the time of the full Moon, and the two overlap more often than not.
An Egg Moon?

To add another name to the mix, this Moon is sometimes called the Egg Moon. No, it won’t be shaped like an egg, or is it about hunting for Easter eggs under the moonlight. Rather, it actually refers to new life and new beginnings.
Other “Moveable” Moon Names
Harvest Moon
Most people think the Harvest Moon falls in September, and in many years, that’s true. Unlike the set monthly full Moon names, though, it can change from year to year. A Harvest Moon is technically the first full Moon after the autumnal equinox. Most years, it coincides with September’s full Corn Moon, but on rarer occasions it occurs during October’s Hunter’s Moon.
Blue Moon
The definition of a Blue Moon has changed over time, but today we use it to describe a second full Moon during a calendar month or the third of four full Moons in a single season.
Join The Discussion
Do you celebrate Easter, Passover, or another holiday that relates to the Pascal Moon?
Let us know in the comments below!
This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!
In the article you state this “In 2025, the first full Moon of spring occurs on April 12”. This is Saturday. The article also states Easter thus falls on the first Sunday following the full moon. This should be the next day, April 13. So why is Easter on April 20? This contradicts what your article states.
Hi Gary, yes that would seem to be the case but the full Moon actually falls on Sunday the 13th of April based on UTC and GMT (European time) but on Saturday the 12th Eastern Time. Excellent observation and question. Heres’s a little more explanation:
The initial rule for Easter was set out at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and did revolve around Moon phases, inasmuch as it was meant to commemorate an event that occurred on Jewish Passover while one of its contradictory aims was never to have Easter occur on the date of Passover. To accomplish those contradictory injunctions, the rule is much more complex than simply looking at the vernal equinox and the full Moon around it.
In any case, even if we were to use the rule,, we’d have the Full Moon at 00:22 on Sunday the 13th of April 2025 (based on UTC) or 01:22 (based on GMT). So, the next Sunday would be the 20th. Of course, time zones were invented in the late 1800s, so one can only guess they attempted to mimic Jerusalem local time. Even more complexity in the rule.
My sister skull was cut open from brain tumor. So now when the moon is full she feels the draw of the moon on that part of her head . It makes her sick .
Is there anything to use to stop or slow down that draw ?
Anything and any suggestions will help .
Thank you
Exact date,moon for the Easter
What time in Knoxville TN?
Hi Madalynn, the Moon for March was full on the 28th at 2:48 p.m. (Eastern). Here’s the full Moon schedule for 2021.
It’s interesting that you note how “Easter” is chosen as it relates the the “Passover” moon. Hmmm. Would love that the definition is how it relates to Passover, hence it’s name. 🙂
See if this makes it easier. Here is a Paschal Full Moon table for years 1900 thru 2199. Add 1 to the remainder obtained by dividing the year by 19, then apply the appropriate Paschal Full Moon date without regard to the actual full moon:
1- Apr 14. 6-Apr 18. 11-Mar 25. 16-Mar 30
2-Apr 3. 7-Apr 8. 12-Apr 13. 17-Apr 17
3-Mar 23. 8-Mar 28 13-Apr 2 18-Apr. 7
4-Apr 11. 9-Apr 16. 14-Mar 22 19-Mar 27
5-Mar 31. 10-Apr 5. 15-Apr 10
Easter is the Sunday following the applicable date. If this date is on a Sunday, Easter is the next Sunday. It should be pointed out that adjustments are needed for years before 1900 and after 2199.
The earliest Easter can fall is March 22nd This has occurred 4 times in the Gregorian Calendar; 1598, 1693, 1761, and 1818. With this table in effect, the earliest Easter occurs in the 20th, 21st, and 22nd centuries is March 23rd, in 1913, 2008, and 2160. The next year Easter occurs on March 22nd is 2285.
The latest is April 25th, which has also occurred in 4 Gregorian years, 1666, 1734, 1886, and 1943. The next year Easter occurs on April 25th is 2038, the next thereafter is 2190.
what tme? Live in Western Washington.
You do this country a great service by explaining old time history.
Thank you.
i found this very interesting, I didn’t know this about the full moon & Easter
and most of the information you shared about the full moon, I enjoyed it.
Thank you very much for sharing 🙂
An avid reader, Sherry.
Veronica, Not just because we want it to be, no. The date is set based on the Paschal full Moon, which is the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. It can come as early as March 22 or as late as April 25.
Very early Thurs. morn., I saw a bright orange red object in the sky low to the horizon. I’ve never seen anything like it-turns out it was the setting Paschal moon. Gorgeous!!! I wonder what makes the moon turn that color, anyone know? Germantown, Md.
thank you for also answering my question jamie when you were answering harold’s
i am confused so you are saying that easter can be moved to the end of april if the farmer’s alamac what’s it to be
When I was growing up, we were taught that Easter each year would always be the
first Sunday after the last full moon in March. What happened to this idea?
Were we misled about this, or over time was it changed??? Hal
Hi Hal,
No, it hasn’t changed, not since the Middle Ages, anyway. Sounds like someone gave you the wrong information as a kid. The full Moon in March could be as early as March 1, but Easter can’t fall before March 22, and can occur as late as April 25. This year marks the latest Easter since 1943.