What and When Is the Midpoint of Winter?
The midpoint of winter 2026 is Tuesday, February 3. Midpoint of winter signifies the exact halfway-point between winter solstice winter solstice and spring equinox. This date aligns with Groundhog Day in some years, but not always.
Winter is the shortest of the four seasons (88.99 days). During this time, the Earth is at its closest point in orbit to the Sun (perihelion). When objects are closer to the Sun they move faster—a fundamental law of gravity.
Conversely, the Earth is farthest from the Sun in early July, so the Earth orbits more slowly. This is why summer is the longest season (93 days).
Top 10 Reasons To Wish Winter Away
- The birds and squirrels have had a big appetite this season and birdseed supply is getting low.
- Your muscles ache and you’re covered in bruises from all those “headers” on the ice.
- You can’t even recognize your own car in the parking lot from all the road salt and dirt covering it.
- You have sweaty feet from wearing boots all the time.
- The days are getting longer!
- Cold and flu season. Enough said.
- Green (grass) is a much happier color.
- The ability (and desire) to go outside without 27 layers of clothing.
- The smell of spring flowers, the sound of birds, and the return of leaves.
- Fishing, and gardening.
What’s your reason to wish winter away? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Here’s a list of the exact dates and times of the seasons.
I love winter. No mosquitoes, knats or snakes. No weeds to pull. No grass cut.
I like winter if we have snow. We had very little this year. I love the change, I believe its needed. Winter chases away the insects for a little while. It gives the plants and trees a chance to rest and rejuvenate in spring.
I miss seeing the sun.
So, I can take my Bud…my almost 3 year old Grandson out walking again!
It’s also the 2/3 mark. Meteorological Soring begins on March 1 (Summer on June 1, Autumn on 9/1; and Winter on 12:/1). The Astronomical definition based on equinox is only one way to define the seasons. Meteorological definitions make more sense to me.
The main reason I live in south Texas
is my loathing of winter.
Oh boy, sounds neat!!! What part of the country do you live in?
Oh, this was for Gina! What part of the Country do you live in with all these friendly animal friends?
I love interacting with my neighborhood stray cats, silly raccoons looking like burglars, catching loose dogs, and my deer scaring the crap outta me all spring, summer, and fall. (They literally come to my glass door and stare at me when I get up in the night.) Wintertime needs to beat it cuz my animal friends are less social and active. I miss them
I hate the winter for every reason there is to hate the winter…who likes getting up extra early to let the car warm up and to scrape off 2 tons off ice, doors and windows froze shut, slipping and sliding on icy roads? I can do without it. Can’t go for a jog. Don’t see how anyone likes that.
Hi Steven, we hear you. But nothing is more wonderful than a walk through the woods on a quiet, sunny, snowy day. Or cross country skiing through the fields of the local farm. When life gives you winter, you look for ways to make it enjoyable!
How about a walk through the woods on a quiet, sunny, warm day in the early summer when everything is glorious and green. Or strolling through the fields of a local farm, the golden sun shining through the tall wheat, the smells of the soil, fresh air, blossoming fruit trees …
Yes, that too! I appreciate all my seasons that nature provides. There is beauty in all of it.
Me too I have a thin body and get chilled very easily. Very hard to get through the winter.
In the old days, you should have half of your hay and half of your firewood left on Groundhog Day. Close enough.
Love the winter ; Except for the snow, the cold, driving on ice, slip and falls , lack of sunshine , snow blowing the driveway lol ( Nova Scotia Canada ) other than that its great
Ha! Stay safe!
I’m all for Winter! Just had my window open in the kitchen for some fresh air. It’s 27°!! I can’t stand Spring/Summer in Missouri because of the HUMIDITY. It’s SO gross. I’ll take Winter any day of the year! ❄️??
Cold, get rid of it. We can’t stand the cold. My husband has spring fever for fishing again.
Have him try ice fishing! ?
My feet prefer flip-flops!
I don’t wish winter away. I love winter!!!!
Having coffee on the deck with my birds and hummers. Can’t wait!
I like winter for these reasons. Don’t have to mow the grass; don’t have to put up with all the creepy crawlers and flying insects. It is a quieter season not so much noise. These are just a few of my favorite things.
Sitting outside on the deck, enjoying a cold beverage, watching the sun go down. ?
I can picture the colors of the sky now, and feel the warmth on my skin, and the bugs nagging my face …. its gonna be glorious.
The sun will finally return to the northeastern states (think Ithaca, New York, land of a lot of Grey days!). Mood takes an upward turn from the availability of vitamin D
I’ve been praying that this Winter, the germs and viruses would be destroyed and eradicated away. It would make looking forward to Spring and beyond so much better.
Just so cold. We have had a brutal winter
here in Vermont.
Cold hurts and warm feels good. When it’s cold, my body aches all over. When it’s warm enough for short sleeves, more skin is exposed and soaks up more Vitamin I love that first day in Spring when it feels like I’m finally being warmed all the way to my bones. Sunshine is good for the soul!
I sure wish I still had a dog. I had to give owning one up after I went into a nursing home, and though I am living independently now, in a HUD Highrise, I am not well enough to walk one often enough. So I adopted two lovely felines and I am quite happy, although would give my eye teeth to walk a dog.
I went out to my garden last week. It’s at my brother’s as he lives in the old family home. I rent an apartment in a high rise, but it has an elevator, which our house doesn’t. I am FT Wheelchair user. Yeah, I garden, and as things ripen I dry stuff, freeze stuff, can it or dry it. I put food by. But my biggest passion is my big garden. I anticipate a day not too far off where the soil around us that is frozen now will begin to thaw, and as it does, you will smell the earth. It smells fertile. There is nothing I love to smell more than each spring, often after a warmish rain, is when I smell it first. Now each winter as it draws to a close, I wait to smell the fertile good earth. My garden is still quite frozen, but it was lovely to be there again, even if it was a bit premature.
Every bit of greenery helps, doesn’t it!
Love the reasons you’ve listed. I can’t agree more! One more: we can grow new grass again. Had to put that project on hold for the winter while we watch the squirrels dig up all the new grass we grew last fall. Buggers…
Looking forward to the heavenly scent of flowers; the shock of beauty of the variety of colors; and picking fresh veggies for lunch, supper, and sharing.
I will no longer wear any mask in spring. That’s what I’m looking forward to and also to get my garden ready to blossom.
I live for the day not to wear a mask.
Mask wearing might still be needed. We want to be around for Spring 2022 too!
I’m ready to start planting!
I think of my Momma when winter arrives, because we both love Fall the best. We never went out on our outings much in winter because she didn’t like the cold or having to put on her coat, gloves and then had to take them off in the stores we shopped in. But I personally love the snow as long as I don’t have to drive in it and here in the midwest we have horrible winters. I sure miss you Momma~ RIP
I would do better if the sun would shine more than two hours of the week.
I wish winter away for my chickens and my horse. They’ve endured a lot of cold in eastern Colorado this season, and they’re sick of it. Me too. My horse is already shedding his winter coat, a month early. And I really long to get back to my garden. My greenhouse is full of seedlings, and I want to get out and work the soil. I need to see some green!
We finally got snow. It looks like several inches. I’d say our winter is just starting. But, it could be gone by next week.
I love the warm sunshine on my shoulders, walking barefoot in the grass and my hands in the dirt while enjoying the many hours that can be spent outside.
Wow! You just sent me back to my childhood and lovely memories. Thank you!
I enjoy all the seasons, but some warm temps and sunshine would be so nice. ‘can’t wait to get in the garden!
Hi. I have come to the point in my life that I enjoy every season. There’s much to enjoy in the winter. There is no bad weather. Just inappropriate clothing. Love the almanac!
I do enjoy the extra light. I watch the sun change positions every day.
I look forward to longer daylight hours and more opportunity to have access to sunlight!
I Love Winter, don’t wish it away ☹️