Zodiac Zone: Meet Pisces ♓️

Pisces is the twelfth constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “fishes.” Learn more!

Pisces is the twelfth constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “fishes.”

Astrologically, the Sun resides in the house of Pisces from February 19—March 20 each year.

The astrological symbol for Pisces is ♓, and the constellation sits in the sky between Aquarius and Aries. Other nearby constellations include Triangulum, Andromeda, Pegasus, and Cetus.

Learn more about each zodiac sign.

The Stars of Pisces

There are 86 stars in Pisces, the brightest of which are often depicted as two fish tethered to the same point. The constellation also includes one Messier Object: the spiral galaxy Messier 74. Messier Objects are bright deep-sky objects identified primarily by French astronomer Charles Messier during the 18th Century.

By Sidney Hall – This image is available from the United States Library of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Public Domain.

Pisces Legends and Lore

Pisces is said to represent Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty and love, and her son Eros, who transformed themselves into fish to escape the fire god Typhon. A fearsome foe to all of the gods, Typhon was known as the “father of all monsters.” One day, after many years of enmity, Typhon imprisoned Zeus, the father of the gods, in a cave guarded by a dragon.

When other gods came to rescue Zeus, Typhon grew angry and attacked Mt. Olympus, the home of the gods. To shield themselves from his rage, each of the gods took on different shapes. Zeus became a ram, Apollo a crow, Hera a cow, and Aphrodite and Eros became fish. The mother and child tied their tails together with a cord so they wouldn’t lose each other. They were protected by Poseidon, god of the sea.

Traits of Pisces

People born during this period have Pisces as their Sun sign. Proponents of astrological determinism believe that people born under the same Sun sign share certain character traits. Pisces people are most often described as sensitive, idealistic, generous, imaginative, shy, naïve, creative, and compassionate.

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How Can I See Pisces?

Pisces reaches its high point for the night at about 8 p.m. local standard time in early December. But you’ll need a dark sky away from light pollution.

Locate the Square of Pegasus. Then look for Pisces to the left of it: the entire constellation looks like the letter V.

Join The Discussion!

Is Pisces your zodiac sign?

Do you believe in the character traits listed above?

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Jaime McLeod

Jaime McLeod is a longtime journalist who has written for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites, including MTV.com. She enjoys the outdoors, growing and eating organic food, and is interested in all aspects of natural wellness.

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Hi I’m a Pisces female and dating a Gemini are we a good comparison? We’ve been talking to each other for bout 2 months now. We’re getting to know each other little by little.. he lives in different place and works out of town. I was wondering if this could possibly work between us? We really get along really well.


My wife’s a Leo, I’m a Pisces. We actually hold pretty true to the brand for both. She is opinionated, protective and loves to be pampered. I on the other hand tend to be more laid back, innovative and believe in using my brain before my mussels. She cant stand for things to be out of place and I’m comfortable in chaos. We’ve been married for just over 30 years so I guess we figured something out!!

Susan Ahlers

I am a female Leo and have a fantastic relationship with my Pisces husband. We met later in life and I have an understanding of our differences… we are super compatible. His imagination and sensitive nature are so different than me , I love it ! He lures me out of my fixed thinking. We have a wonderful adventurous life together.

Farmers' Almanac

Hi Susan, Sounds like a perfect match! Thanks for sharing your experience with us here. ?


I could use some advice too, I’m a Scorpio waiting it out on a Pisces who’s sticking by a Gemini & they aren’t even dating, his Venus is in Aquarius, it’s very confusing. I don’t think they’re a good match, but I’m biased. I think that him & I are a match of a lifetime, but the Gemini doesn’t want me in his life at all…

Last edited 3 years ago by Wanda
Arlene Tognetti

I am a professional Astrologer and teacher of Astrology and The Tarot and I love that you are starting this focus on each of the signs of the Zodiac. my name is Arlene Tognetti from Kent/Seattle Washington: both Arlene and Mellinetti’s my astro business name are on Facebook as well. Been teaching classes at Pierce College Tacoma/Steilacoom and my Home Classroom for the last 22 years. Righton for this! in the Farmer’s Almanac!

Susan Higgins

Thanks, Arlene! We’ve actually had this article up for years; it just needed a little refreshing! Thanks for taking the time to write!


I’m a Pisces and curious if a Leo and Pisces could be compatible.


Oooooo…lot’s of work. I live with my ex, also a Leo.


Hi Tommy, not sure if you’ll see this reply because it’s been 2 years since your post. Are you still together? Whale type Pisceans will be attracted to Leo’s confidence. There will be many challenges but they can be overcome. When it comes to Loyalty a Leo is fierce and very loyal. Once this couple finds their balance they will have success. We are still here after 22 years.


Yes they can get along, but as my momma always said ‘big cat likes to play with fishy’!


Married a Pisces – and my mother was a Pisces- I found that Pisces women are very different from Pisces men. Women are gentle-while men are dreamers and demanding and want things their way. I am a Virgo-Virgo and Pisces are not compatible !


Nora, I have to dissagree, I’m a pisces and married to a virgo. Maybe because he is a virgo, I’m the pisces, it may be different. My virgo man and I get along just fine… I wouldn’t have it any other way. I (pisces) do not get along with scorpio


Oh boy, my first love was a Scorpio. And we were so hot together we couldn’t get enough of each other.


I’m a Scorpio who’s in love with a Pisces who is standing by their Gemini on again off again… it’s been going on for over a year now..


Virgo and Pisces can be very compatible. Some of the best friends throughout my life have been Virgo.


Both my husband and I are pisces. We are 6 years and 5 days apart and this has been going on for the last 35 years…At one point, he was the dominant one in the relationship, now the tables have turned, lol…;) So it does happen that 2 pisces can relate and get along together for many years..We are a testament to that!


I am a pisces and so is my husband. We work out great, I’ve never had a connection with someone like I do with my husband. We both tend to get selfish at times, but we take the time to sit down & talk about it when that happens. We ground each other *surprisingly* I guess we are one of the exceptions and not the rule when it comes to astrology


‘@ lil D
It depends what is the ascendant of the person. Two people with the same sun sign could be the opposit of each other becaus of the ascendant. I am Pisces with Sagittarius Ascendant. 😀


lil D, two of the same sun sign rarely work out. As a female Pisces, A good stable Cancer has been my best companion (tho they like to taken care of (like a motherly women), Aquarius are fairly good if you are a strong Pisces (they are a bit selfish). In all relationships you mush be willing to give of their needs, as much as you expect them to give to you of your needs. After all, when it comes down to it, we are all just human.

Jaime McLeod, I love this! I would also like to see more information on each of the signs. I am also an organic fanatic & gardener. The great outdoors keeps me sane. I am true to the Pisces traits so long as I do not lock myself indoors for to long. I am very spiritual, love everyone, I do not hold on to anger (mostly because of my bad memory I’m sure 😉 , I am also very sensitive. But I am strong willed, I do not let anything keep me down for long. Thank you for taking the time to post this information. Awesome!!!! 🙂 Kat


This is a good article, but I was disappointed not to find anything about how the astrological signs influence gardening? For example, Pisces is a water sign and considered a great planting sign!

lil D

Hi, I am a pisces and all they say about us I am…I just ended a 2 yr relationship with another pisces. At first I thought he was “the one” lol but he changet into a selfish noncaring man he stopped including me in future plans. So what I’m wondering is do male pisces have gemini traits lol? Or pisces/pisces relationship just don’t work?

Old Pisces Guy

I was recently told that I’m too diplomatic in the face of adversity. Perhaps to, but I survived 30 yrs in a law enforcement career, so it must work! :o)

Janice Makofski

Men are very tender hearted and sensitive. They don’t match well with outspoken Saggittarians I found out.



Pisces Woman

Pisces people seem to be the most gentle of all the zodiac signs.

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