Zodiac Zone: Meet Aries ♈
Aries is the first constellation of the zodiac. Its name is the Latin word meaning “ram.” Learn more!

Aries is the first constellation of the zodiac. It is regarded as the first because it used to be aligned with the spring equinox, an ancient indicator of spring, which used to be regarded as the first season of the year. (Due to the Earth’s “wobble” spring equinox is now aligned with the constellation of Pisces.) Aries is the Latin word for “ram,” a reference to the hornlike V-shape that the stars in its constellation resemble in the night sky.
Astrologically, the Sun resides in the house of Aries from March 21 to April 19 each year. The astrological symbol for Aries is ♈, and the constellation sits in the sky between Pisces and Taurus. Other nearby constellations include Perseus (The Slayer), Triangulum, and Cetus (The Sea Monster).
Learn more about each zodiac sign.
Aries Constellation
There are 6 main stars in Aries, the brightest of which are said to represent a ram lying down with its head turned to the right. The constellation also includes four deep sky objects: the galaxies NGC 697, NGC 772, NGC 972, and NGC 1156.
In Greek mythology, Aries is said to be the golden ram that rescued the twins Phrixus and Helle (son and daughter of King Athamas) from being sacrificed. The children’s stepmother, Queen Ino, hated them. In an elaborate plot to get rid of them, Ino sabotaged the kingdom’s crops and convinced the farmers that the local oracle demanded Phrixos and Helle as a sacrifice. Before they could be slain, however, a golden ram appeared and carried them to safety. Strangely, Phrixos thanked the ram by sacrificing it to the gods, and hung its skin in a temple, where came to be known as the Golden Fleece, an object of great power and value.
Traits of Aries
People born during this period have Aries as their Sun sign. Proponents of astrological determinism believe that people born under the same Sun sign share certain character traits. Aries people are most often described as energetic, enthusiastic, independent, intelligent, confident, direct, dynamic, and driven.

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Jaime McLeod
Jaime McLeod is a longtime journalist who has written for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites, including MTV.com. She enjoys the outdoors, growing and eating organic food, and is interested in all aspects of natural wellness.
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