When’s the Best Day to Wean?
Did you know that there are better times to wean according to the Moon? Lean what the rule is for the best day to wean.

Over the years, various peoples and traditions have established what they believe to be the most opportune times to perform specific tasks. Some of these times are based on Moon phases, and others are based on the sign of the Zodiac that the Moon is in.
Weaning Animals
One “rule” for weaning is to do it when the Moon is the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These signs rule the thighs, knees, ankles, and feet, and the dates listed in the Farmers’ Almanac are based on this rule. Many people have consulted the dates for weaning a variety of animals, and have had great success.
Check out Farmers’ Almanac’s Best Days to Wean calendar here.
What About Weaning a Baby?
Weaning a human baby is a more complicated process, as every child is different. Though we do list best days to wean, and encourage parents to try the dates listed, we recommend that you do what’s best for your child when weaning him or her from a bottle.
This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!
My herbalist told me look at sign of goat to quit smoking I’m aquarius can’t find anything
Hi Russell,
if you go to our best days calendar we do suggest some days that may people have the best luck at quitting smoking – https://www.farmersalmanac.com/best-days/health-beauty good luck!
Trying to wean a two year old. Any advice.
Always wean on sign of the knees, 3 days are better but most times it’s only 2 days!!
I use this for weaning goats, what are the best days in September 2021
Good days I. July to wean from pacifer
when is good days in june to wean calves
How to cold turkey baby from feast using almanac days to wean
I’m cancer want to know when the signs are in the legs,knees trying quit smoking in april
Hi I have a friend that told me about this but I have an 18 month old son and was wondering what the signs are for when he ready to get off the pacifier?
From the knees to the thighs
Son is 26 months old and needs help weaning from pacifer
When is the best time too wean a child from the pacifier? My daughter is almost 13 months old.
Hi Emma, we have our “Best Days” dates to wean (usually animals) but we say, “Weaning a human baby is a more complicated process, as every child is different. Though we do list best days to wean, and encourage parents to try the dates listed, we recommend that you do what’s best for your child when weaning him or her from a bottle.” Take a look here!
I’m trying to calculate the best time to have neck surgery. The surgery involves taking 3 or 4 levels of the vertebrae in my neck out c-3 c7. Then they add a cadaver bone in to replace the height and to fuse together. Adding 8 titanium screws and 2 rods. Then they will go in through the back of my neck and scrape out the bone spurs. My current date is May 20th, but I just dont have a good feeling. What about June 3rd or 10th 2019. You I understand that you don’t give medical advice and I appreciate that I’m just curious if I could be put in the right direction it’s so hard for me to understand and I am terrified I’d like to be able to go there knowing that I’ve done everything I can and then put the rest in God and my surgeon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Ashley, we’ll write you an email to the address you provided.
Is March 6, 2018 a good day for knee replacement surgery according to the moon?
Is March 6, 2018 a good day to have knee replacement surgery?
I’m a little confused about the dates for surgery. I am scheduled for a lumpectomy (removal of two small malignant breast tumors) sometime the week of October 10-13, 2017. I can’t seem to understand what the guide means–mentions Cancer (and almost those same dates, which may be good news) and then mentions arms and breast. But somewhere else I read that it’s best to have surgery on those parts AFTER the sign passes something (full moon?). I don’t know what that means. Does my own astrological sign (Virgo) have anything to do with this? Or do I just look at what was listed for Cancer (breast, arms) and those dates? The doctor wants an answer asap about the surgery, and I want to schedule it at the right time.
Im giving my daughter a kidney the surgery is planned for October if everything goes well. Is October a good month?
Hi Vicki, you can check the chart of the Moon’s place in the zodiac here: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/zodiac
Best upcoming time to wean 22 month old boy from the breast?
When best time march throw December 2016 for total knee replacement
When best time from march throw December have total knee replacement in 2016
I am trying to find out when is the best time for my mom to have surgery on her neck for a garda and Nawtua She is a Capricorn. And I bought the Almanac book the online version.
Is October a good time to have tonsils and adenoids removed for a child?
What days would be the best days to have surgery on my spine after November 23, 2015. Th
Hi cynthav: On page 99 of our 2015 Farmers’ Almanac (the one with the orange and green cover), shows the astrological place for each month from Sept. 2014 through Dec. 2015. And on pages 110-140 you will find the moon’s phases, the weeks of the year, special astronomical events, holidays, rise and set times and more.
To figure out the best days to do specific activities, you need to take into consideration the phase of the moon as well as the zodiac sign in which it falls. To take the guess work out of some of the activities, we have listed on pages 94-97 some of the more common activities and the best days for each month to do these.
There are many different formulas to many different activities. Some do not consider the phase of the moon, just the zodiac sign. Others consider both and yet others consider only the phase of the moon.
With any surgical operation it is best to consider dates when the moon is past the zodiac sign that rules that part of the body affected. During such times, that part of the body is more resistant to infection, and will heal more rapidly. The further removed the moon is from the sign ruling the afflicted part of the body, the better.
The following is a brief description of the quality and rulership of the Zodiacal Signs, their nature and character, whether fruitful (productive) or barren; dry or moist; masculine or feminine; fixed, movable or flexible; earthly, airy, fiery or watery.
CAPRICORN (December 22–31 and January 1–19). Earthly, feminine, movable, somewhat productive. Related to the knees, spleen, skin, hair, teeth, and bones. Planetary ruler is Saturn.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). Airy, masculine, fixed; inclined to be barren. Related to the calves, ankles, blood, nervous system. Planetary ruler is Uranus.
PISCES (February 19–March 20). Watery, feminine, flexible, fruitful. Related to the feet. Planetary ruler is Neptune.
ARIES (March 21–April 19) Fiery, masculine, movable. Tends toward dryness and barrenness. Related to the head, brain, and face. Planetary ruler is Pluto (Mars).
TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Earthly, feminine, fixed. Is moist and productive. Related to the throat, nasal passages and neck. Planetary ruler is Venus.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21). Airy, masculine, flexible, barren. Related to hands, arms, shoulders, collar-bone, lungs, and nervous system. Planetary ruler is Mercury.
CANCER (June 22–July 22). Watery, feminine, movable, very fruitful. Related to the breasts, stomach, and mouth. Ruler is the moon.
LEO (July 23–August 22). Fiery, masculine, fixed, barren. Related to the heart, sides and upper part of the back. Ruler is the Sun.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22). Earthly, feminine, flexible, barren. Related to the intestines bowels and solar-plexus. Planetary ruler is Mercury.
LIBRA (September 23–October 22). Airy, masculine, movable, semi-fruitful. Related to the kidneys, veins, loins, ovaries, and lower part of the back. Planetary ruler is Venus.
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21). Watery, feminine, fixed, fruitful. Related to sex organs and bladder. Planetary ruler is Mars (Pluto).
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Fiery, masculine, flexible; considered barren. Related to the liver, hips, and thighs. Planetary ruler is Jupiter.
When blood flow is a significant factor in the selection of the best date, consideration should also be given to the Phase of the Moon. To reduce the chance of hemorrhage after a surgical operation, plan to have the surgery occur within one week before or after the New Moon. Avoid one week before or one week after the Full Moon.
when is a good time to have a total knee replacement?i have it scheduled for sept.2,2015
Is it okay to have total replacement on october 17, 2014?
When is the best time to have surgery in the area of the abdomen according to the signs? Aug 19, Sept 9, Sept 16, Sept 23, or Sept 30 are available dates for surgery. I have heard that is is best to have surgery as the signs are going down and past that area of the body. Please help.
My son is having surgery on his head/skull in Sept-early October. He has born Dec 6 2013. When would signs be best to do his surgery? They only do this surgery on Thursday’s. The choices they gave me were 11th and 18th but I might could do other days too. I know fulloon is the 9th so thinking 11th is out list not site how to do this sign stuff.
When is it best to quit rocking a baby and just put them in their crib?
Elizabeth McFarlin, We don’t have dates for that, but you might find that using the weaning dates helps with this, too.
I’m looking for the best days to wean a foal.
Hi Jill, You can find that by clicking the link above.
How many days in a row should I try to ween by daughter?? Next week 9-11 to 9-19 are all good day according to the Almanac. Please help!
ral10311 – I can’t say how many days in a row – that’s up to you, and maybe some parenting experts. We just recommend good days to start.
When is the best time to wean my 15 month old off the bottle
Leslie, you can find the Best Days for that here: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/best-daysparenting/
When is the best day to wean my 16 month old off the bottle and how to do it?
When is the best time in january to take the pacifier from my 2 yr old
When would be the best time to wean my 3 year old off the pacifier?
WHen is the best time to pull wisdom teeth
Emailing you, Maggie.
I have taken 6 children off the bootle by going by the signs being in the knees. YOU NEED 3 BACK TO BACK DAYS. Put all bottles out of sight and just use a sippy cup. They never wanted their bottles again. I am getting ready to take my grandson’s bottle but onkly found 1 day in Feb. where the signs are in place and he will not turn 1 until the first week of Feb. 🙁
Is there a good time to try and
Potty train
Nikki, I’m not sure what you mean by “nothing comes up.” We have a whole separate calender just for weaning and potty training. You can find it here: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/best-daysparenting/
December’s dates are the December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st.
sjwood, You’ll find our weaning dates here: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/best-daysparenting/
I weaned my son from his pacifier last wednesday, november 2, 2011. It has been one week now and he is an emotional wreck (he was 2 in July). I am wondering about the signs for weaning and what it was that day. Should I give it back to him and try again when the signs are different?
I think once you start something like that, it’s best to stick with it. Otherwise you might confuse him and make the transition even harder.
why is October 31,2011, not a good weaning date for calves when October 28, 29 & 30 are, and, November 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7th are? thank you.
Our Best Days are based on the phase and position of the Moon.
Hi Mindy,
Here you go! https://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/best-daysparenting/
Hi Betty – Please visit our Zodiac Chart and also see our Best Days to Quit Smoking as well. Hope this info helps!
There is a belief that when you need surgery you should consider dates when the moon is past the zodiac sign that rules that part of the body affected (the
zodiac sign that rules the teeth is Capricorn). During such times,
that part of the body is more resistant to infection, and will heal more
rapidly. The further removed the moon is from the sign ruling the
afflicted part of the body, the better.
Thus according to this if the moon was in the signs of the knees (capricorn) it would be good (of course we also suggest you have your wisdom teeth removed when your doctor/dentist advises). The next time this happens will be April 6-8th.
You follow the signs of the moon on page 93 of the 2010 Farmers’ Almanac.
When is the best time to have your wisdom teeth removed.
My parents suggested when the signs were in the knees.
When will that be?