Moon Milk Recipes To Help You Relax

If you’ve heard a lot of chatter about “Moon Milk” lately, you’re not alone. Recipes for this popular warm drink are popping up on TikTok and Instagram, and are designed to help you relax and get rejuvenating sleep, especially during a full Moon when sleep can be disrupted. Moon milk is typically made from a delicious combination of honey, spices, and milk. These creative recipes are two of our favorites from the chef at Must Love Herbs, who decorates her libations with edible botanicals straight from the garden. Be sure to check out her Instagram page!

You’ll see that each of these recipes is made with oat milk, known to contain naturally occurring melatonin which promotes relaxation, as well as tryptophan, a sleep-supporting amino acid. So, are you ready to give them a try?

Strawberry Moon Milk

This version offers a double whammy of relaxation as strawberries also contain naturally occurring melatonin to promote restful sleep.

strawberry Moon Milk in a mug with herbs.
Photo by Must Love Herbs, used with permission.


2 heaping cups of strawberries (diced)
2 tablespoons of honey
1 cup oat milk


To a saucepan add strawberries and honey. Cook over medium-low heat until strawberries soften and become slightly liquified. This takes around 10 minutes. Press the cooked strawberries through a fine-mesh sieve. Reserve the liquid and discard the pulp.

In the saucepan, warm the milk over low heat (do not allow it to boil). Once it has warmed, whisk in reserved strawberry liquid. Whisk for approximately 30 seconds or until light and frothy

Remove from heat and pour into mugs. Garnish with your favorite dried botanicals. Rose, lavender, and chrysanthemum are just a few of the options!

Golden Moon Milk Recipe

golden moon milk with herbs
Photo by Must Love Herbs, used with permission.


1 1/2 cups oat milk
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Small pinch of white pepper
1 chamomile tea bag
Raw honey (to taste)
Organic flower petals for garnish (optional)


Add the oat milk, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, white pepper, and chamomile tea bag to a small saucepan.

Heat over medium-low heat. Allow the mixture to come to a very low simmer, stirring often for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Discard the tea bag and add honey to taste. Pour the mixture into mugs and garnish with organic flower petals if desired.

Cherry Moon Milk Recipe

Photo by Must Love Herbs, used with permission.


3/4 cup oat milk
2/3 cup tart cherry juice
1 tbs dried chamomile
1(+) tbs honey (add more if desired)


Add oat milk, cherry juice, and chamomile to a small pot.

Over medium-low heat warm the milk mixture. Whisking to incorporate.

Once warm, strain the mixture into your desired mug. Add in honey until desired sweetness is achieved. Sip and enjoy once cooled slightly.


Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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Question, why can’t whole or skim milk be used to make the Moon Milk?


I wonder this also! Thanks!

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