Venus Retrograde 2025 is Coming! How To Navigate It

Chances are you’ve heard of Mercury retrograde, but how about Venus retrograde? While Mercury’s deals with mishaps in communication, Venus has to do with your passions and potential confusion in relationships. Venus is our closest planetary neighbor besides the Moon and shines as one of the brightest “stars” in the sky. Join the Farmers’ Almanac for a deep dive into Venus retrograde, including what to expect during Venus retrograde 2025.

What is a planetary retrograde?

First off, it’s important to note that planets don’t actually move backwards in the night sky. Retrograde is an optical illusion from our perspective on Earth, due to our rotation and movement around the Sun.

Ancient astrologers recognized that whenever a planetary retrograde occurred, whatever the planet was associated with—or ruled—seemed to also be affected. Retrogrades are times when we review, reassess, and return to past situations related to whatever a planet rules.

Venus in space with a glowing nebula behind it.

What is Venus in astrology?

Venus, as one of the “personal planets” in astrology, is deeply tied to the mythology of the ancient goddess of love. Personal planets tie to situations, emotions, and experiences we deal with on a daily level. Associated with Innana, Aphrodite, and obviously Venus from the Roman pantheon, this planet embodies the attributes of beauty, pleasure, romance, and affection. Because of this, she has a clear connection to relationships, finances, and art.

What does Venus retrograde do?

As with all planetary retrogrades, when Venus is retrograde—or moving backwards from our perspective here on Earth—the things that she rules are up for evaluation. Thus, we tend to revisit situations around beauty, love, relationships, art, and even money. Sometimes situations return for us to face once again, which can create a sense of revisiting the past to either rekindle it or find closure, so we learn from it. 

Venus and other planets in space with the Sun.

Also, during Venus retrograde cycles, we are not seeing anything she rules clearly—we often have a confused, misdirected, or ambiguous view on things. People, projects, plans, hobbies, and feelings from the past will return once again—and we are able to remember them to either decide to bring them back into our lives in the present or to release them once and for all.

How often does Venus retrograde occur?

Venus retrograde cycles take place once every eighteen months for about forty days. They repeat in an eight-year interval, usually repeating in the same zodiac signs. Because of this, most astrologers refer to Venus retrograde cycles as a reflection of the situations, events, relationships, and experiences around Venusian topics from the past eight years.

Is Venus retrograde bad? What should you or shouldn’t you do during Venus retrograde?

No retrograde is “bad.” Not even Mercury retrograde. During these periods, we are offered a reprieve from life where we can reflect on the past to view it better. However, starting anything new during a Venus or Mercury retrograde is not advised—especially if it is related to the themes that the planet rules.

For instance, you can go back to past relationships, art projects, or hobbies during a Venus retrograde. But you shouldn’t make big decisions around love, money, relationships, or beauty during these times. For instance, no one should begin a relationship, go official with someone, get engaged, or become married. You should also not change your style, fashion, cosmetics, or get facial surgery. This is again because we are not seeing situations related to Venus clearly.

While a relationship or a cosmetic procedure may not be “doomed” if it takes place during Venus retrograde, astrologers note that people may find that the relationship eventually loses affection or love, or the results of the cosmetic procedure don’t last long or turn out the way that they wanted them to.

After Venus goes direct—or is awake—these situations are viewed more clearly and are on steady ground.

Venus Retrograde 2025 Meaning

Venus retrograde 2025 (March 1-April 12) will be particularly intense. You may find yourself re-examining your passions, sensitivities, and spiritual alignment in our relationships. As Venus seems to move backward through Aries and into Pisces, there will be two different “flavors” to consider:

  1. Venus retrograde in Pisces from March 1-27, 2025: When Venus is “asleep” in Aries, where she is known to be especially weakened, you may face challenges around your intimate life. You may want to embrace a fiery conquest to pursue your heart’s desires, but this may work against you. Better results would come from pacing yourself, rather than rushing forward at this time. Note: Venus seems to “slow down” as it enters its “pre-shadow” retrograde phase on January 28, 2025 at 24 degrees Pisces. So you may begin to feel effects of Venus retrograde as early as then.
  2. Venus retrograde in Pisces from March 27-April 12, 2025: When Venus slips backward into Pisces, you may bump into people from your past, especially those who share a deep karmic purpose for you. You may also experience connections with people who feel like soulmates or even past-life relationships. Be mindful throughout April and into May as Venus won’t move out of its “post-shadow” until May 16, 2025.

RELATED: Worm Moon Horoscopes: March 10-19, 2025

Venus Retrograde Dates 2025-2050:

  • 2025: March 1, 2025-April 12, 2025 in Aries and Pisces
  • 2026: October 3, 2026-November 13, 2026 in Scorpio and Libra
  • 2028:  May 10, 2028-June 22, 2028 in Gemini
  • 2029-2030: December 16, 2029-January 26, 2030 in Capricorn
  • 2031: July 20, 2031-September 3, 2031 in Leo
  • 2033: February 27, 2033-April 10, 2033 in Aries and Pisces
  • 2034: September 30, 2034-November 11, 2034 in Scorpio and Libra
  • 2036:  May 8, 2036-June 20, 2036 in Gemini
  • 2037-2038: December 14, 2037-January 24, 2037 in Capricorn
  • 2039: July 18, 2039-August 30, 2039 in Leo
  • 2041: February 25, 2041-April 8, 2041 in Aries and Pisces
  • 2042: September 28, 2042-November 8, 2042 in Scorpio and Libra
  • 2044: May 6, 2044-June 18, 2044 in Gemini and Taurus
  • 2045-2046: December 11, 2045-January 21, 2046 in Capricorn
  • 2047: July 15, 2047-August 27, 2047 in Leo
  • 2049: February 22, 2049-April 5, 2049 in Aries and Pisces
  • 2050: September 25, 2059-November 6, 2050 in Scorpio and Libra

A Final Thought

Did anything surprise you about Venus retrograde?

What is one interesting thing you learned?

Share your thoughts in the comments!

Kyle Thomas, an expert astrologer.
Kyle Thomas

Kyle Thomas is an expert astrologer who writes for The New York Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire, Elite Daily, Bustle, and more. He has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC and ABC television. Kyle is globally recognized as a "celebrity astrologer" for his guidance of well known actors in Hollywood and prominent business executives, but he also loves sharing his comic insights with everyday people. His work explains how astrology influences lifestyle and trends worldwide. Learn more about him at

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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The stock market usually crashes during venus retrograde. I just lost some money. I should have just held it instead of sell, because it went back up a few days later.

I thought about cutting my hair and then I remembered venus was retrograde, nah!!

E. Scrooge

You know this is all “HUMBUG”! Instead, do a Bible study during this time period. Read the Psalms, Proverbs, or the Easter story in the four Gospels.

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