A Look Back at One of Our Most Colorful (and Corny) Editors

Ray Geiger was the Farmers’ Almanac’s 6th editor and the reason we have a Farmers’ Almanac today. Here's a look back, in photos, at his wonderful career.

Ray Geiger, Editor, Philom.

September 18, 1910 – April 1, 1994
Edited 60 Consecutive Editions of the Farmers’ Almanac

Ray Geiger was the Farmers’ Almanac’s 6th editor and the reason we have a Farmers’ Almanac today. Here are some highlights of his long, wonderful, and colorful career.


Dubbed the “Most Interviewed Man in America” by Art Linkletter

Ray participated in more than 30,000 interviews, touting the virtues and uniqueness of the Farmers’ Almanac to audiences everywhere.

Marketing Genius

Ray was credited with growing the circulation of the Farmers’ Almanac from 85,000 copies to over 6.5 million. Many of these were sold as promotional and marketing products to a wide variety of clients.


Keen Sense of Humor

Ray held a “Predeceased Adventure” at his tombstone in 1990, complete with the following poem:

Friends I am delighted and really quite excited;
That you came to this unusual grave event;
For I’d rather have you gather as I write it;
Than to have you come to see me when I am dead.


Ever the Showman

Ray celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary by surprising wife Ann with the Goodyear Blimp. This photo was picked up in papers worldwide.


Passing the Torch

Ray and his son Peter, the Almanac’s 7th editor, holding Ray’s first and last editions.


Want to see more Farmers’ Almanac history? Visit a Timeline of our growth.

Farmers' Almanac 2018 - Landfowl

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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Awesome I love stuff like this. I would love to see if y’all got the first Almanac ever written?

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