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Pineapple To The Rescue

Pineapple - Pineapple Juice

After a large meal, eat some fresh pineapple. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps aid digestion and the feelings of overeating. But be sure to go for fresh — canned pineapple does not contain as much of the enzyme, which is destroyed in the canning process.

Muffin Tin Stuffing

Stuffing - Muffin

Serving stuffing at your holiday table? Break out the muffin tins! Create single serving “stuffin’ muffins” that have lots of crispy edges. Perfect for the kids’ table, plus they’re easy to store and reheat.

Frost-Free Windshields

Cryoseism - Farmers' Almanac

Fill a clean spray bottle with 1 part water and 2 parts rubbing alcohol and store it in your car during the cold weather months. Spray it on your frosted windshield and windows on those chilly mornings to make scraping easier.

Easy Trick To Help You Drink More Water

Water Dispenser - Drinking water

Drinking water is an important way to flush your body of toxins but we don’t always get the amount we need. To remind yourself to drink more water, set reminders on your smart phone at intervals throughout the day. You can also mark your water bottle with your drinking goals. Get some tape or use

Fall-Scented Jack-O-Lanterns

Pumpkin - Lantern

Before you place a candle inside your Jack-O-Lantern, coat the lid with spices such as ground cinnamon, nutmeg, or pumpkin pie spice. The heat of the candle will warm the spices and send a delicious scent through the air.

Keep Squirrels Away From Your Pumpkins!

Squirrels - Stock photography

Squirrels enjoy making meals out of your carved Jack-O-Lanterns and decorative pumpkins. Try this natural method to keep them away without harming them: Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 teaspoon dish soap, and a small bottle of hot sauce. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture, and spray your pumpkins, inside and out. The solution

Repel Mice With Peppermint

Peppermint - Peppermint extract

Peppermint oil is an effective deterrent and will help keep mice out! Place several drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and then place them around the house, especially where mice are frequenting and in areas where they are entering your home. Be sure to use 100% pure peppermint oil and replace the cotton balls

Spiders Be Gone!

Farmers' Almanac - Diamond dust

Repel spiders naturally by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray around your home, concentrating on the kitchen and areas where spiders may be entering. Vinegar, while harmless to humans and pets, contains acetic acid, which spiders are highly sensitive to.

Who Needs Peanuts?

If you need to ship a package, don’t bother buying packing peanuts or bubble wrap. Fill the box with plastic shopping bags to cushion the item you’re sending.

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