Keep Your Cool!
Cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, and herbs such as mint are good foods to eat to help keep the body cool when it’s hot out.
Cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, and herbs such as mint are good foods to eat to help keep the body cool when it’s hot out.
For sunburn relief, mix 2 teaspoons tomato juice with 1/4 cup buttermilk and apply to the affected area. Rinse after half an hour.
Is an old or unused golf bag taking up space in your garage? They can be a real treasure to a gardener. Long-handled tools can be carried in the club compartment and smaller ones in the side pocket.
Punch a hole in plant ID tags and loop them through key ring. Hang nearby when you need to remember the care instructions for what you planted.
Fertilize your acid-loving houseplants (like ferns) with used tea bags. Simply open the bags and work the used tea leaves into the soil. The leaves will lower the pH level of the soil and provide nutrients, as well as pest and fungus control. You can also occasionally water houseplants with cooled twice-brewed tea for added
Keep herbs fresh in a jar or vase of water as you would fresh-cut flowers. Just snip off what you need, and change the water daily. This works especially well for flat-leaf parsley.
If you bought some fresh asparagus but won’t be eating it right away, cut off an inch off the bottom of the stalks and store in a glass jar with a few inches of water, loosely covered, in the fridge. They’ll keep fresh up to a week or more!
Planting flowers? Echinacea is a great choice and attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.
Rainwater is a great way to conserve water and save money by reusing it to water plants and lawns. There are elaborate rain catchers you can buy, but a big barrel works too. Just be sure to cover the barrels or put a screen over to keep leaves and other debris from falling in. Cover
To make dyeing Easter eggs easier and mess-free, use a wire whisk to hold the hardboiled egg while you dip it in the dye. Just separate the wires to gently release the egg and let dry.