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Onion Breath

Onion breath? Chew on an orange rind or a sprig of parsley.

Planting Shamrocks

Shamrock plants flourish in a 70-75° daytime environment. Night temperatures should be 10 degrees cooler.

Repelling Moths

Ingredient - Pesto

Place sachets of dried rosemary in the pockets of stored clothes to repel moths.

Dyeing Pasta

Choose your desired pasta and place one cup (or more, if desired) in zip top bag. Add about 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol and 10 drops of food coloring, eliminate air, seal bag tightly, shake, and lay flat. Allow mixture to fully saturate pasta. The longer it sits, the more defined the color. Carefully remove and

Staticky Hair

Energy - Electricity

Staticky hair? Tame it by rubbing a fabric softener sheet over it.

Conserve Heat Easily

Window - Getty Images

Take advantage of free solar heat. Raise window shades in the day time, draw them by sundown.

How to Pick Sweet Potatoes

When picking sweet potatoes, choose the dark-skinned ones. They are known to be sweeter and more moist than the lighter-skinned variety.

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