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Tomato stains
Tomato stains? Soak the spot in vinegar before washing.
Cooling down with a fan
A well-placed fan can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler a costs only 1¢ per hour to run.
Remove chlorine from hair
To remove chlorine from hair, wash with a paste of baking soda and water.
Removing Crayon from Walls
To remove crayon marks from walls, first heat them with a hairdryer.
Fish Odor
To remove fish odors from hands, wash them in one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in one quart of water.
Burger and Poultry Grilling Temperatures
For safety, make sure burgers and poultry are grilled to at least 165° F inside!
Keep Ants Outdoors
Are the ants marching in? Sprinkle red pepper where floors and counter tops meet walls.