Preparing Perennials for Winter
Before winter, mulch strawberries, roses, and other tender perennials with at least 2″ of straw or bark chips.
Before winter, mulch strawberries, roses, and other tender perennials with at least 2″ of straw or bark chips.
Buy soap bars on sale in quantity and store them unwrapped in your linen closet. They will harden and last longer.
Plastic tubs from salad greens make excellent mini greenhouses for growing your own greens.
To easily remove paper decals or bumper stickers, wipe them repeatedly with white vinegar. Let the vinegar soak in. After a few minutes, the stickers should peel off easily.
A rubber band wrapped several times around a stubborn screw-top jar lid provides a nonskid grip.
For no-mess baking, grease your measuring cups before pouring in honey, molasses, or corn syrup.
For sweeter sweet potatoes, choose ones with darker skins.
To keep your computer keyboard clean, lay a placemat over it when it’s not in use.