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Sweeping Up Stubborn Dirt
To sweep up stubborn dirt, spray your broom’s bristles with furniture polish.
Timely Tomato Tip
For easy tomato peeling, place whole tomatoes in the freezer for a few hours. After they thaw, you can easily remove the skin.
Sticky Muffin Pan?
Sticky muffin pan? Set it on a wet towel for 30 seconds, and the muffins will slide out!
Dry Skin
Dry Skin? Add some milk powder to your bathwater.
Unfreezing Locks
Frozen locks? Squirt a little hand sanitizer on them. The isopropyl alcohol that kills germs also lowers the freezing point of water, and can melt the ice inside the lock within seconds.
Relieve pressure from a stuffy nose
Stuffy nose? Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth and press your fingers between your eyebrows to relieve pressure.
Easy Egg Clean Up
Break an egg? Pour salt all over it, wait ten minutes, then sweep up easily.
De-icing Sidewalks and Driveways
Beet juice makes an excellent non-toxic de-icer for driveways and sidewalks.
Prevent Ice Scraping
Lay a tarp or drop cloth over your car’s windshield before a snowstorm and you won’t have to scrape.