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Better Mushroom Slices

Use an egg slicer for cutting mushrooms. It’s quicker and you get nice, even slices.

Homemade Plant Stake

Use an old curtain rod as a stake to support a plant. Pull up the extension and the two can grow together.

Best Beach Marker

Decorate your beach umbrella with painted handprints and art. This will help kids (and adults) find the right umbrella to go to.

Garlic Peeling Tip

To easily peel garlic, hit the garlic clove with the side of a knife several times. The peel becomes loose, which makes it easy to pull off.  

Vegetable Cooking Tip

Vegetable - Potato

Here’s a handy tip when cooking vegetables: Vegetables that grow underground (beets, carrots, potatoes) should start off in cold water. Vegetables that grow aboveground  (corn, peas, greens) should be placed in boiling water.

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