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Smelly shoes?

Farmers' Almanac - Seed

If your shoes are emitting an unpleasant odor, try stuffing newspaper in them. The paper absorbs the odor and perspiration and keeps shoes in shape.

Ants Invading?

If ants are invading your home, sprinkle chili powder near their entrances.

Removing Corn Silk

Corn on the cob - Corn silk

To easily remove silk from corn on the cob, wipe down the cob from tip to base with a damp paper towel.

Preparing a Disaster Kit

Product - Brand

Keep a disaster kit packed with spare clothes, water, nonperishable foods, and important records in case of emergency.

Re-using Prescription Bottles

Cooking - Pickled eggs

Used prescription bottles are a great way to store and protect small items when camping. (Make sure to rinse them out first!)

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