Getting Juice From Lemons
To get the most juice out of fresh lemons, bring them to room temperature and roll them under your palm against the kitchen counter before squeezing.
To get the most juice out of fresh lemons, bring them to room temperature and roll them under your palm against the kitchen counter before squeezing.
Cut firewood during the light of the moon so it will burn well and stay bright.
Vegetables cooked in less water and for a shorter period of time will lose fewer of their nutrients.
To repel deer, place slices of deodorant soap into knee high pantyhose and hang them up around your garden.
To clean bathroom grout, spray it with white vinegar and scrub it with an old toothbrush.
Baby shampoo makes a great substitute for pet shampoo in a pinch. Regular shampoo can cause skin irritation.
Remove onion and garlic smell from your hands by rubbing them over a stainless steel faucet after washing them with soap and water. The sulfur compounds bind to the steel—efficiently removing the odors from your fingers.