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Perfect Pancakes

Pancake - Breakfast

Use a turkey baster to squeeze pancake batter onto a hot griddle for less mess and perfectly shaped pancakes every time.

Preserving Bananas

Banana - Cooking banana

Pull banana bunches apart after bringing them home. Leaving them connected causes them to ripen faster and go brown more quickly.

Keep Potatoes From Sprouting

Apple - Potato

To keep potatoes from sprouting, store them with an apple. The ethylene gas emitted from the apple inhibits the sprouting process and helps the potatoes last longer.

Got a scratch on your car?

Car - Crayon

Cover a scratch on your car’s exterior with a matching crayon and buff off the wax residue with a soft cloth.

Smelly Garbage Disposal?

Farmers' Almanac - Boiled potatoes

To deodorize your garbage disposal, toss some citrus slices or rinds — such as used limes or lemons from drinks — and run them through the disposal, followed by cold water.

Less Mess Pouring

Farmers' Almanac - Salad

For less mess, grease your measuring cups before pouring in honey, molasses or corn syrup.

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