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Save On Water In The Shower

Shower - Shower Head

Place a bucket, marked in gallon increments, under your shower head. Turn the shower on at the normal water pressure you use. Time how many seconds it takes to fill the bucket to the one gallon (3.8 liter) mark. If it takes less than 20 seconds to reach the one gallon mark, you could benefit

Preserving Banana Slices

Banana - Photograph

To prevent banana slices from turning brown, toss them with some lemon or lime juice first. Or freeze them, and use in your smoothies!

Need Tires On A Budget?

Car - Tire

Next time you need tires, save money by looking online or at salvage yards for slightly used tires in your size (check treads for wear before purchasing).

Zap Germs!

Farmers' Almanac - Almanac

To sanitize your kitchen sponges: Microwave wet kitchen sponge on high for 60 seconds to kill germs. (Use caution when handling until cool).

Is This Egg Fresh?

Egg freshness test. Two glasses of water and Eggs. The fresh egg will sink but the rotten one will float.

To determine whether an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of water. If it sinks, it’s fresh, but if it rises to the surface, it’s old and should be thrown away. This is because as the egg gets older, the size of the air sac inside increases, making it float.

Preserving Cut Flowers

Floral design - Garden roses

Mix half a quart of 7-Up or Sprite with an equal quantity of water and 1/2 tsp. chlorine bleach to make cut flowers last longer.

Sore Throat Relief

Farmers' Almanac - Tea

Add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 1 cup of boiling water; stir well and gargle while mixture is still very warm. This brings more circulation to the area and helps draw away the infection.

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