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Got Grass Stains?

When grass stains get on clothes, coat the stains with molasses, rub in well, and let soak several minutes before washing. Stains gone!

Chipped Mug?

Barbecue Sauce - Apple Cider Vinegar

Make colorful garden planters out of gently chipped mugs or cups.

Spicy Food Burning Your Mouth?

Farmers' Almanac - Chili powder

The best way to cool your palate after eating something hot and spicy is to consume milk or other dairy products. It quickly puts out the fire!

Preserving Floors Under Clay Pots

Deck - Wood

Plants with clay pots should not stand on floors easily damaged by water. Clay absorbs moisture and can ruin the area it touches. Be sure to use a pan or tray underneath.

Homemade Insecticide

Burning the Candle - Gift

Instead of using insecticides, try planting marigolds, basil, savory, horseradish, mint, onions, garlic, and chives near your garden. These plants’ natural root secretions repel some insects.

Preserving Bell Peppers

Bell Pepper - Stuffed peppers

When storing half a bell pepper in the refrigerator, don’t discard the fleshy bulb containing the seeds – it will help to keep the cut half fresher longer.

Keep Your Television Screens Dust-Free Longer

Farmers' Almanac - Fabric Softener

Use a clean dryer sheet to dust your TV screen. The fabric softener in the sheet reduces static, and static causes dust to accumulate. Simply wipe the screen gently with the dryer sheet to not only clear away existing dust but to repel it.

Which Side Is My Gas Cap On?

Ingredient - Jan Hagel Cookies

Here’s an easy way to always know which side of your vehicle the gas cap is on…Newer vehicles are now equipped with a handy arrow indicator on the gas gauge that points to the side the fuel door is located. On older vehicles, there usually is no arrow. But look at the gas pump icon

Re-purposing Shower Water

Bucket - Rain

Put a bucket in the shower while you’re waiting for the water to warm up, and use that water for watering plants, flushing the toilet or cleaning.

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