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Remove Permanent Marker Easily

Marker pen - Stock photography

Use rubbing alcohol on a paper towel to remove permanent marker from appliances and countertops. It also works great to remove old marks on dry erase boards (whiteboards) at the office.

A Smarter Way To Carve A Jack O’Lantern

stock.xchng - Stock photography

Instead of cutting the stem out of the top of your pumpkin, or cutting a hole at the bottom, cut a circular hole at the back (save the piece). Make it large enough so you can clean out and carve your design, then simply insert a candle or solar light through the hole (replace the

Freeze Ground Beef The Right Way!

Beef - Mettwurst

Buy ground beef in bulk when it’s on sale and freeze in half-pound packages in one-quart freezer bags. Roll the meat as flat as possible in the bag, removing all the air, and freeze flat. Then when the packages are frozen, you can stack them. Not only do they take up less space in the freezer, but

Easy Homemade Tater Tots!

It’s easy to make everyone’s favorite side dish! Just mix 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes with 1 egg and 1/4 cup flour. Shape into tot shapes, roll in panko breadcrumbs, and fry in vegetable oil until deep golden brown. For extra deliciousness, add 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese to the potato mixture!

Freshen The Fridge!

Orange Juice - Tangelo

To eliminate stale refrigerator odors, cut an orange in half and scoop out the flesh (and eat it!). Fill the shell with baking soda and place it in a small bowl in the back of your fridge. The baking soda will absorb odors while the orange shell infuses the entire fridge with a clean, citrus scent.

Remove Candle Wax Easily

Wax Paper - Candle

To remove candle wax from candlesticks, tablecloths or clothing, simply pop the item into the freezer for about 30 minutes. The wax will flake off easily.

Keep Apple Slices From Browning

Potato casserole - Chicken casserole

Cooks know lemon juice works well to keep apple slices from browning but did you know honey also does the job? Stir two tablespoons of natural, raw honey into one cup of water and soak your apple slices for 30 seconds. A compound in honey helps slow the oxidization process responsible for browning.

For Tender, Flaky Biscuits and Scones

Biscuit Mix - Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit Mix

To bake tender, flaky biscuits, pie crusts, and scones (or any recipe that calls for cold butter to be cut into the flour), simply freeze a stick of butter and grate it using the largest holes of a box cheese grater.  Then add to the flour mixture.

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