Don’t Get Stuck!
Your car’s floor mats can help you get un-stuck from snowy or muddy conditions in a pinch. Place your front floor mats under the spinning tire to give you some traction. Just don’t forget to retrieve them after you get moving!
Your car’s floor mats can help you get un-stuck from snowy or muddy conditions in a pinch. Place your front floor mats under the spinning tire to give you some traction. Just don’t forget to retrieve them after you get moving!
Suddenly struck with a painful leg cramp in the middle of the night or while exercising? Try drinking 2-3 oz of pickle juice. It can help alleviate muscle cramps and Charley horses.
During the cold weather, it’s a good practice to keep at least a half a tank of gasoline in your vehicle at all times. Not only does it prevent you from being stranded, but it prevents any water in the tank from freezing, which can damage the fuel pump.
Deodorize your pet’s bedding, between washings, by sprinkling it generously with baking soda, let it sit for 15 minutes, then vacuum it up. Pet odors are gone, without harsh chemicals!
Pack an extra pair of socks in your car’s glove compartment. Then if you need to get out and shovel, or if you step in a puddle, you’ll have dry socks to change into. You can also use them as windshield wiper covers!
If you have leftover broth, freeze it in ice cube trays, then transfer the cubes to a baggie and store in the freezer. Use the cubes at a later date to add extra flavor to soups, stews and gravies.
To get stubborn red wine stains out of table cloths, combine equal parts liquid dish soap and hydrogen peroxide in a bowl. Sponge or pour the mixture over the stain and let stand for a minute to pre-soak. Gently blot until the stain can no longer be seen. Then launder as usual.
Fill in ugly, small holes from nails with a little white toothpaste. Let it dry and paint right over it.
Place hot cookies on a brown paper bag. The paper will absorb the grease from the cookies.
To vacuum hard-to-reach areas, like under beds and dressers, insert an empty paper towel roll into the end of your vacuum hose, and bend or flatten it to squeeze into these tough spots.