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Save Energy And Money!

T-Shirt - Clothes dryer

On good days, use your outside clotheslines for drying instead of the dryer. Air-drying your clothes can reduce the average household’s carbon footprint by 2,400 pounds a year.  And even if you only line dry half the time, you can save over $60 in a year!

Cleaner Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits in a pot filled with water being cleaned.

To clean more of the dirt, chemical residues, and waxes from all varieties of fruits and vegetables, use baking soda. Shake some onto wet produce, scrub, then rinse. Works better than water alone.

Kill weeds naturally

Stock photography - stock.xchng

To keep weeds from growing through cracks in your patio, deck, or driveway, pour salt in the cracks. Salt dehydrates the weeds. It’s an inexpensive and Earth-friendly way to kill them on a small scale without harsh chemicals!

Make Your Own Beer Slug Trap!

Deter slugs from your garden naturally with this easy hack: Simply bury a small glass or plastic container halfway in the soil and add a cup of beer. Slugs fall in and don’t come out!

Make Perfect Poached Eggs

Poached egg - Breakfast

Add two teaspoons of white vinegar to the simmering water before adding the eggs. This helps keep the whites together but does not affect the flavor.

Keep Spices Fresh

Spice - Indian cuisine

Store spices at room temperature but away from the heat and steam of the stove. They will keep their flavor and potency longer.

No Mess Measuring

Stock photography - Image

When measuring sticky ingredients, such as peanut butter, honey, molasses, and syrup, lightly coat the inside of the measuring cup with cooking spray or cooking oil. The oil will allow the ingredients to slide out easily. Makes clean-up a snap!

Save Time In The Kitchen

Cooking - Farmers' Almanac

While preparing a meal, keep a large bowl on the kitchen counter. Put all your scraps, peelings and other discards into it, thereby reducing trips to the garbage can or compost bin. Just empty it once when full.

Store Foods At The Right Temperatures

Refrigerator - Thermometer

To ensure food safety, your refrigerator temperature should be 36-39 degrees Fahrenheit (approx. 4º C), and the freezer should be 0-6 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 to -14º C).

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