Don’t Toss Those Corncobs!
Once you’ve eaten the sweet kernels off your corn on the cob, let the cobs dry out in the sun. Then store them in a dry area and use them as fire starters.
Once you’ve eaten the sweet kernels off your corn on the cob, let the cobs dry out in the sun. Then store them in a dry area and use them as fire starters.
Eat more of these: mushrooms, citrus fruit, lemon balm, and mint. These foods work to help your body regulate its temperature and keep you cooler.
Pour a line of cream of tartar where they’re entering the house and they won’t cross over it.
For a sweet smelling garden, plant Rosemary, Sweet William, Lavender, Violas, Peonies.
Before leaving on a family outing, fill a spray dispenser bottle with soapy water. A squirt or two and on a piece of absorbent paper will clean sticky fingers and faces in a hurry.
To remove cat and dog hair from clothes and furniture, rub them with damp rubber gloves.
Got fish? Save the water each time you change the bowl or tank and use that water to water your houseplants. It’s full of nutrients.
When cooking pancakes or waffles, make a larger-than-usual batch and freeze the extras. Lay them out on a cookie sheet and freeze flat for several hours, then pack in air tight containers or bags in the freezer. Simply pop in the toaster or toaster oven when ready to use for a quick and convenient breakfast.
Hollowed out lemon and orange peels, halved empty egg shells, and ice cream cones work well as seed starters. Simply put soil in the peels, egg shells, and cones (flat bottoms work well) and plant your seeds in them. When ready, plant the whole thing, “pot” and all!