Better Laundry Results
When doing laundry, add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar to the final rinse cycle. It leaves towels fluffy, whites whiter, and colors more vibrant.
When doing laundry, add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar to the final rinse cycle. It leaves towels fluffy, whites whiter, and colors more vibrant.
To remove skunk spray odor from skin, fur, or fabric, mix 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and a teaspoon of grease-cutting liquid dish soap. Work into the affected area with gloved hands, rinse, and reapply as needed.
Experts recommend turning off cruise control if it’s raining or snowing. Cruise control may cause you to actually lose control in these conditions. If you hydroplane while you’re in cruise control, your car will actually go faster.
For easier gutter cleaning, attach some PVC pipes to your leaf blower and then “blow” the gutters clean.
Before packing your tent up for the season, put some clean kitty litter in a sock and tie it in a knot. Put it in the tent. This will help keep mold and mustiness away.
Use 1 big bottle of blue mouthwash, 3 cups of Epsom salt, and 3 stale beers. Mix together until salt dissolves. Place in spray bottle. Spray perimeter where you are sitting. (Do not spray on yourself!)
To dry fresh herbs for use later, simply hang them upside down to dry, then bottle them in glass jars. Works well for thyme, parsley and oregano.
Don’t Peel It! When making zucchini bread there’s no need to peel the zucchini. It will melt right in with the rest of the ingredients.
For best tasting homegrown zucchini wait until it’s 6-8 inches long, dark green & firm. Pick by grabbing the zucchini at fattest part and gently twisting it off the vine.
Place berries on a cookie sheet and put in your freezer. After they are frozen, transfer into an airtight container and place them back in the freezer where they will last 6–8 months. Rinse before using.