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Remove Tree Sap Easily

Setting up or taking down the Christmas tree can leave your hands sticky with sap. Remove it quickly and easily with a few squirts of liquid hand sanitizer. The alcohol dissolves the sap. Toothpaste (the paste kind) also works. Just work in a dab until the sap is gone, then wash hands as usual.

Tape Saver

Dentistry - Tooth

Packing tape is notoriously known for losing its end and causing much frustration. Try putting a penny or a bread clip under the end of the tape when finished using it. This should help you find the end easier next time.

Eliminate Static Cling!

Farmers' Almanac - Eggplant parmesan

Save money and eliminate static when doing laundry. Roll a ball or two of aluminum foil and place in your dryer with wet clothes. Reuse these foil balls for several loads. They’re a great alternative to commercial dryer sheets which can contain toxic chemicals. [Illustration by Martina Fugazzotto]

Kitchen Space Saver

Flask - Stock photography

Use a thermos or insulated coffee carafe to keep Thanksgiving gravy warm while you put the final touches on the meal. This frees up much-needed space on the stove. Then simply pour it into a gravy boat and serve.

Clever Way To Recycle Newspaper

Newspaper display advertising - Journalism

Here’s a clever way to recycle newspaper pages: Line your refrigerator’s vegetable drawers with sheets to absorb odors, catch spills, leaks, and excess moisture.

Set An Easy-To-Clean Kids’ Table

Colored pencil - Crayon

Use kraft paper or butcher paper to cover the kids’ table at Thanksgiving, and set out crayons and markers for them to draw and be creative. It keeps them busy and makes clean up a snap!

Egg Slicer To The Rescue!

Egg slicer - Kitchen

Use an egg slicer to create even, uniform slices of soft foods such as mushrooms, olives, bananas, butter, kiwi, and strawberries.

Make Your Own Pumpkin Pie Spice

Pumpkin Pie Spice

Out of pumpkin pie spice? You can make your own easily. Simply combine 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoons ground ginger, 2 teaspoons ground nutmeg, 1½ teaspoons ground allspice, and 1½ teaspoons ground cloves. Use the amount stated in your pie recipe. Store remaining in an air-tight jar or plastic bag.

Sponge To The Rescue!

Diaper - Infant

Make a shovel or rake more comfortable by wrapping a clean, dry kitchen sponge around the handle and securing with a rubber band.

Cooking With Apple Cider

Apple cider - Cider

Fresh apple cider is a delicious beverage but it also complements your favorite dishes. Try using it to moisten stuffing for turkey or chicken, or to baste baked apples. It can also be boiled into a syrupy glaze for cakes.

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