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Recycle Cooking Water For Plants

Redneck - Word

After you boil eggs, potatoes, or other vegetables, don’t pour the water down the drain! Save the cooking water (be sure it’s salt free), let it cool, and use it to water your garden plants to give them an extra dose of nutrients.

Sharpen Dull Scissors

Scissors - Snips

To sharpen a dull pair of scissors at home easily, use a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. Simply cut through the sandpaper, rough side down, several times.

Air-Dry Your Clothes

Drying - Clothes dryer

Dry indoor air can wreak havoc on your skin. To add moisture to the air in your home (and save energy), dry some garments on a drying rack or indoor clothes line.

Don’t Toss It, Clean It!

Curtain - Shower Curtain

Your plastic shower curtain liner can get moldy and grungy over time. But there’s no need to throw it away. Simply wash it with some soiled towels in warm water with 1/2 cup laundry detergent and 1/2 cup baking soda on your machine’s regular cycle. Add 1 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Hang it back up

Clever Use For Egg Cartons

Plastic - Egg carton

Use a cardboard egg carton as a paint holder for children. When they are finished painting, the carton can be thrown away. (Styrofoam or plastic cartons can be washed out and reused.)

Easy Tile and Grout Cleaner

Liquid - Kitchen

Mix equal parts Epsom salts and liquid dish detergent to create an effective tile and grout cleaner. Apply this mixture to stains in your bathroom or kitchen. Let it soak for a few minutes, scrub away grime, then rinse clean.

Banish Pantry Bugs

Glass - Bay laurel

A bay leaf slipped into a container of flour, pasta, or rice will help repel bugs. Either dried or fresh leaves work.

Don’t Get Stuck In the Snow!

Snow - Car

Keep a 20 lb. bag of clay kitty litter in the trunk of your car during the winter months. The added weight in the trunk can help stabilize you (whether or not you have rear-wheel drive), keeping you in control of your vehicle on slick roads. And if you get stuck, simply sprinkle some of the litter around

Perfect Bacon Every Time

Apple pizza - Whole wheat pizza dough

To make perfect, hassle-free crispy bacon, turn on your oven! Simply lay bacon strips evenly in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake at 400º F. on the middle rack for 15-20 minutes (give it a quick check at the 10-minute mark). No flipping required. Drain and serve. And don’t forget to save the

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