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Resist The Urge To Splurge!

Credit card - Credit

Avoiding instant gratification is one of the most important rules for sticking to a budget. Try implementing the 30-Day Rule — wait 30 days before making an expensive purchase to see if you still really need or want the item. Waiting a while can give you a better handle on whether the item is really worth

End Leaky Ice Cream Cones!

Woman holding delicious ice cream in wafer cone on white background, closeup

Drop a mini marshmallow inside the bottom of your waffle cone before scooping in the ice cream to avoid leaks as it melts. The marshmallow will absorb the ice cream and you’ll have a tasty treat at the end!

Nature’s Toothbrush

Weight loss - Dental implant

If you can’t get to a toothbrush, try an apple! Munching on a raw apple after a meal cleans the teeth and helps heal the gums.

Don’t Waste The Paste!

Tomato paste - Stock photography

Even though a can of tomato paste is small, sometimes it’s too much for a recipe. Rather than wasting an entire can for a tablespoon or two, remove the paste from the can and freeze it in ice cube trays, then transfer the cubes to a container and store in the freezer. When a recipe

Help Your Tomatoes Ripen

Cherry Tomatoes - Vegetable

Many vegetables and fruits take longer to ripen in September. To help tomato plants put their strength into ripening their fruit, remove at least six inches of foliage on each plant’s stem.

Selecting the Perfect Eggplant

Aubergine - Vegetable

Bigger is not better when selecting eggplant from the supermarket or farmers’ market. Choose fruit that are smaller in size, and look for shiny, smooth, blemish-free skin. Squeeze it gently: the flesh should spring back. To prevent brown spots and bitterness, do not store them in the refrigerator.

Properly Clean Broccoli

Cup - Tomato soup

To properly wash your broccoli and cauliflower, fill a bowl with cold water and soak the vegetables for a few minutes. This will help the water penetrate the nooks and crannies where bugs and dirt can hide. Then place in a colander and rinse again under cold water. Let drain fully before adding to recipes.

Rid Your Shoes of Mud!

Stew - Ingredient

Keep some disposable chopsticks handy in the mudroom to clean mud and dirt from the deep treads of your boots and shoes. Chopsticks are the perfect size to dig into the small grooves.

Easily Peel Fresh Ginger

Ginger root on cutting board.

Love fresh ginger root in your stir fries and dressings? The easiest way to peel it is to use a spoon. It will scrape away the skin while leaving the flesh intact. No waste!

Ripen Avocados Faster

Avocado banana smoothie - Banana

Speed up the ripening process of hard avocados by placing them in a paper bag with bananas. The gases emitted from the bananas will get those avocados soft and ready to use in no time!

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