Every Season On-The-Go
Next Full Moon Date and Time
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The Next Full Moon Is The Cold Moon
Long Range Weather Forecasts
Tap your region below for detailed forecasts in 3-day increments.
See the next 12 months.
United States
December 18th
– December 21st
Northeast & New England
Rain or mixed precipitation, gusty winds.
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Cloudy most areas, but little precipitation. Nights seasonably cold; days milder.
Southeast U.S.
Cloudy, with significant rain, winds.
South Central U.S.
Cloudy. Possible rain or wet snow.
Northwest U.S.
Cloudy skies. Lingering showers possible.
North Central U.S.
Considerable cloudiness, passing snow flurry.
Southwest U.S.
Mixed clouds, sun.
Weather History Database
Review the weather from last year (or any time in the past) using this database.
You also may be interested in our Old Farmers’ Almanac Forecasts.
Helpful Hints

Sore Throat Relief
Add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 1 cup of boiling water; stir well and gargle while mixture is still very warm. This brings more circulation to the area and helps draw away the infection.