Persimmon Seed Prediction 2024-2025

According to popular folklore, persimmon seeds may predict winter weather coming. How do you make a persimmon forecast? It’s easy. Just split open seeds of a locally grown fruit and look at the patterns inside. What did the persimmon seed say for 2024-2025? Here’s everything you need to know, include how to make your own persimmon seed prediction:

“Some people believe persimmon seeds can predict the severity of winter weather,” says Farmers’ Almanac Editor, Peter Geiger. “When cut into two pieces, the persimmon seed will display one of three symbols:

  1. Fork shape indicates a mild winter.
  2. Spoon shape stands for a shovel to dig out the snow.
  3. Knife shape means a cold icy winter (where wind will cut through you like a knife).”
Persimmon forecast illustration.
Split persimmon seeds and look for the shapes within. A fork means it will be a mild winter. A spoon (or shovel) means lots of snow. A knife means winter will be harsh!

Every year, the Farmers’ Almanac speaks with an expert to give readers an authentic prediction of the weather ahead. Wondering if we were correct when we said to expect a Wet Winter Whirlwind? Read on to find out …

RELATED: Farmers’ Almanac Winter Weather Forecast 2024-2025

Persimmon Forecast 2024-2025

Melissa Bunker, “The Persimmon Lady,” has been reading persimmons and making predictions for the Farmers’ Almanac for the last few years. Bear in mind that her results are relative to North Carolina where she is based. Well, her results are in!

According to her report, winter 2024-2025 will be a wet and stormy one! Melissa says, winter is bound to be a “mixed bag this year. We’re looking at lots of rain, some ice and even some wet snow this year.” Melissa found equal parts spoons, knives, and forks. She adds, “The hornets are all over the fruits which tells me they are bulking up for a hard hit from weather. Lots of sugars to hold them over. Common yellow jackets are great indicators [for winter weather as well as persimmon seeds]. If hornets are nesting in the ground it will be mild, but if they are nesting above ground it will be very harsh conditions.”

Folks, you heard it from the Persimmon Lady herself! Get ready for a Wet Winter Whirlwind!

Have any questions for her? Let us know in the comments below …

How To Make Your Own Persimmon Forecast

Choose persimmons from your persimmon tree or farmers’ market. Be sure that the persimmons come from local trees (in order for your forecast to be specific to your location).

Cut open the ripe fruits until you have 10 seeds. (If they are too tough to open, you may soak them in warm water for about an hour first.) The first one you cut open will represent the first week of winter and the second one, the second week of winter (and so on). This is done at random. The final of the ten seeds represents the tenth week of winter.

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Will you make a persimmon forecast this year? We hope you do!

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Farmers' Almanac - Weather forecasting
Peter Geiger

Peter Geiger is the Editor Emeritus of the Farmers' Almanac. Read his full biography.

This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!

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