25 of the Strangest Names For Groups of Animals
Check out this list of some of the craziest names for groups of common animals!

When animals congregate, interesting things happen. Even more interesting is that these groups have special and unusual names—some are real head-scratchers; some seem to make perfect sense. Take a look at these collective nouns for groups of common birds, mammals, and reptiles:
25 of the Strangest Names For Groups of Animals
- Alligators – a congregation
- Apes – a shrewdness
- Bats – a colony or cauldron
- Bears – a sleuth
- Cats – a clowder
- Crows – a murder
- Donkeys – a pace
- Ferrets – a business
- Fox – a skulk or leash
- Gerbils – a horde
- Giraffes – a tower
- Hippopotamuses – a bloat
- Hyenas – a cackle
- Leopards – a leap
- Martens – a richness
- Owls – a parliament
- Porcupines – a prickle
- Raccoons – a nursery or gaze
- Rats – a mischief
- Rhinos – a crash
- Skunks – a surfeit
- Squirrels – a dray
- Toads – a knot
- Turtles – a bale
- Whales – a pod
One more: Don’t believe what you read on the internet—a group of baboons is not a “congress” as has been circulating widely. The correct term is a “troop” of baboons. Now you know!
This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!
Ostentation of peacocks
An exaltation of meadowlarks
A putrification of attorneys
You win the internet for today!
this is totally wacky and wild!!!
A fever of stingrays
Good one!
Fennec foxes are found in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, south to north Niger and Sudan, east to Sinai Peninsula and Kuwait. A male fox is called a ‘reynard’, the female is called a ‘vixen’ and young are called ‘kits’. A group of foxes is called a ‘skulk’ or a ‘leash’.
Hi Caydee, that’s what we say in the article?
A group of pandas is known as an embarrassment.
a pandemonium of parrots
a loveliness of ladybirds
a flamboyance of flamingoes
Mynah birds? A rage of mynahs (suggestion)
A Flamboyance of Flamingos!
A box of chocolates for the best answer!
A Squabble
Sh*tload ?
A stench of politicians
A group of zebras is a dazzle
The list is incomplete without a pandemonium of parrots
My guess is someone just referred to a particular session of Congress as “A Congress of baboons” (or buffoons, as Jus Lookn suggests, above) and it caught on and/or was misunderstood and misapplied to the poor baboons.
I believe a group of wild turkeys is called a rafter.
Jus Lookin Lol You are so right!!
Congress is a group of BaFoons!
A group of Spoonbills is called a “bowl”
A murder of crows got its name from its lookout. One crow is the lookout and if he fails at his job, the other crows will murder him.
Baboons—-A congress. How fitting is that name?
Nailed it
Ronald D. Sande, A group of baboons is called a “troop.” We think the name of “congress” started circulating on the internet incorrectly some time ago.
It would be interesting to know the origin of some of them. I can figure out some, but the rest defy logic.