The next National Siblings Day is April 10, 2024. We invite you to make a patch in our “digital quilt” on Instagram. See below!
National Siblings Day is a day to appreciate your brother or sister. It has been recognized by forty-nine state governors in the US (all except California) but it is not designated as a federal holiday.
The Siblings Day Foundation, which began in 1995, states: “Siblings Day follows the spirit of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, an uplifting celebration honoring people who have helped in our development and who have shaped our values, beliefs, and ideals. Further, the Siblings Day Foundation seeks to unite and reunite siblings who may have been separated by distance, by circumstance, by birth and adoption, or interpersonal familial issues.”

The Farmers’ Almanac agrees that brothers and sisters are important and should be celebrated. Some of us appreciate our siblings every day. Others have been estranged or otherwise set apart. National Siblings Day is a time to remember good moments together and to recognize that family love is forever. If you’ve had troubles in the past, take this day to heal with your brother or sister! Consider reaching out. Instead of telling them to go take a hike, invite them on one! Plant a garden, go fishing, or just call to say, “Hey, I love you.” Also, join us on Instagram: Tell your family’s story! Add a “patch” to our quilt! See below.

Siblings Day Quilt
Since the early 1800s—around the time that the Farmers’ Almanac was first published—quilts have been sewn to tell important American stories. Over the last two centuries, storytelling has taken new forms. These days, we send messages into hyperspace. But where are the threads that bring us together? Enter: The Farmers’ Almanac “digital quilt.”
To participate, post an image of you and/or your sibling(s) or kids on Instagram! In the caption, say why the photo is meaningful to you and include the tags @FarmersAlmanac and #SiblingsDayQuilt.

We’d love to see you gardening, fishing, hiking, camping, cooking—or any activity you’d like to share! (The photo can be new or old!)
We hope you accept our invitation and join us. Other sisters and brothers across the world have already started the first threads! (To see the quilt, search the tag #SiblingsDayQuilt on Instagram.)
Want to know the best days to connect with your sibling? Use the Farmers’ Almanac Best Days Calendar.
Make your days the best days with us – Join The Farmhouse now!
@FarmersAlmanac #SiblingsDayQuilt
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