
Celebrate National Cat Day on October 29

In honor of National Cat Day, we thought we'd share these fascinating facts about cats. 

October 29th is National Cat Day, a day to celebrate the fascinating felines in our lives. Here are 10 facts about cats you probably didn’t know (it’s also National Black Cat Day on October 27th)!

10 Fascinating Facts About Cats

  1. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear (a human has 6).
  2. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds. Dogs only have about 10.
  3. Cats have 230 bones, while humans only have 206.
  4. Cats’ long tails actually serve a purpose — they use them to balance themselves when they’re jumping or walking on narrow planks like banisters and railings.
  5. Cats’ whiskers aren’t just for show. They are a very important tool and are used to “feel” the world around them. Their whiskers are generally about the same width as their bodies.
  6. Cats were once worshipped as gods (and they haven’t forgotten this!).
  7. Cats walk by moving their legs in this order: right rear, right front, left rear, left front (see below). The rear leg almost looks like it’s “kicking” the front leg forward. This gait is unique to cats.
  8. There are cats who have more than 18 toes. They are often referred to as “double-pawed” when this happens, but the correct term is “polydactyl.”
  9. Cats are believed to be the only animals who don’t taste sweetness.
  10. Cats’ claws are curved downward, which is great for climbing up trees, but a problem for getting down, which is why they often get stuck. They need to climb down backward, rather than face first, which they don’t often try.

Ever wonder: Why do some cats love cantaloupe? Find out here.

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Donna Marko

My cat is obsessed over cereal milk at the bottom of my bowl. I’ve tried giving her a few spoonfuls of milk straight from the container and she turns her nose up at it. I have tried to be quiet and sneak my cereal, but the little sneak knows when I open the cereal container. I bought a container as it is quieter than opening the box. I take the milk out for cooking and it doesn’t phase her. She is addicted to that cereal milk. I’ll share a few sips with her, but she’s not getting all my cereal milk!

Last edited 2 years ago by Donna Marko
Farmers' Almanac

Hi Donna, What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing!

Last edited 1 year ago by Farmers' Almanac
m e

PS to number 4 – the tail is also used to communicate how they feel and what they are doing/concentrated on.

Farmers' Almanac

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