
When is the Midpoint of Summer?

The midpoint of summer officially occurs on August 7, 2025 (halfway between summer solstice and fall equinox). Depending on how your summer is going, may be either good news or bad news. But one thing is constant for nearly everyone in the Northern Hemisphere: the nights get longer and longer.

Summer is when the Sun reaches 90 degrees of longitude, and fall begins when the Sun reaches 180 degrees longitude. The midpoint, therefore, comes when the Sun reaches 135 degrees longitude and, in 2025, this occurs on August 7.

Traditional Midpoint of Summer: Lammas Day

While August 7 is the official midpoint of summer, the traditional midpoint of the summer season actually occurs on August 1, which is marked on some Christian calendars as Lammas Day, one of the four traditional “cross-quarter” days midway between the solstices and the equinoxes.

“Lammas” is derived from the Old English “loaf-mass,” because it was once observed as a harvest festival. In fact, Lammas Day comes almost exactly six months after Groundhog Day, the traditional midpoint of winter. Celebrations of Lammas Day include baking of bread, and enjoying a feast with friends and family.

Amount of Daylight is Decreasing…Quickly!

If you think about it, the length of daylight was rather substantial since about the middle of May. And the lowering of the Sun’s path across the sky and the diminishing of the daylight hours was rather subtle during the first half of the summer season.

So enjoy the last half of the summer season and get in as much of your favorite activities as you can before there’s a chill in the air and darkness wins out over daylight.

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The Year Without a Summer

When is the Latest Sunset?

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When it’s winter time I don’t want it to the end.… now that’s it’s summer, I don’t wanna summer to end!

1st world problems… shout out from Philadelphia, USA and blessings upon your family!!


Ah, if I could spend summer lingering at a lake house, I’d enjoy it much more! I do love the fresh foods of the season, but look forward to the crisp air of fall. 🍃🍁🍂

Laura B

I will most likely be one of the few that is not a summer lover.
Summer begins and can’t wait for fall.
It does have the positive of all the fruits and vegetables grown locally with a freshness that is undeniable.
So happy summer to all that enjoy.


Laura ~ I’m with you! I love the cold weather and dread the summers’ heat every year.


i wanted to prove my birthday was “the official midpoint of summer” (you know, aug 7th)


Gosh, I cannot wait for summer! It’s the end of January right now. Ugh#


For me it’s summer right now though you did write this comment 5 months ago so would have been February where I was at the time of this comment!


Wait a minute, it January when you wrote this comment you know what? Just ignore my comment then! Even though it is summer!

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