Newfoundland, Labrador Long Range Weather Forecast for March 30th to April 29th
March 2025
28th - 31st
Fair, then unsettled with spotty snow or flurries.
April 2025
1st - 3rd
Fair, followed by spotty light snow and snow showers.
4th - 7th
Mostly fair and cold.
8th - 11th
Wintry mix.
12th - 15th
Skies clear; brisk winds.
16th - 19th
Fair skies.
20th - 23rd
A wet Easter with rainy skies; then turning fair.
24th - 27th
Generally sunny and tranquil.
28th - 30th
Rainy, perhaps some wet snow over the Long Range Mountains of Newfoundland and Torngat Mountains of Labrador.