Hurricane Names 2025-2029 – Is Yours On The List?

Learn how hurricanes are named, and see the names for this season and next. Did yours make the list?

Ever wonder why tropical storms and hurricanes are given names? Itā€™s not to make these disastrous storms seem friendlier, thatā€™s for sure. Storms are given names to make them easier to remember. Did you name make the list of Hurricane Names 2025? And who picks the names? Read on to find out!

Atlantic Hurricane Names 2025

  1. Andrea
  2. Barry
  3. Chantal
  4. Dexter
  5. Erin
  6. Fernand
  7. Gabrielle
  8. Humberto
  9. Imelda
  10. Jerry
  11. Karen
  12. Lorenzo
  13. Melissa
  14. Nestor
  15. Olga
  16. Pablo
  17. Rebekah
  18. Sebastien
  19. Tanya
  20. Van
  21. Wendy

Atlantic Hurricane Names 2026

  1. Arthur
  2. Bertha
  3. Cristobal
  4. Dolly
  5. Edouard
  6. Fay
  7. Gonzalo
  8. Hanna
  9. Isaias
  10. Josephine
  11. Kyle
  12. Leah
  13. Marco
  14. Nana
  15. Omar
  16. Paulette
  17. Rene
  18. Sally
  19. Teddy
  20. Vicky
  21. Wilfred

Atlantic Hurricane Names 2027

  1. Ana
  2. Bill
  3. Claudette
  4. Danny
  5. Elsa
  6. Fred
  7. Grace
  8. Henri
  9. Imani
  10. Julian
  11. Kate
  12. Larry
  13. Mindy
  14. Nicholas
  15. Odette
  16. Peter
  17. Rose
  18. Sam
  19. Teresa
  20. Victor
  21. Wanda

Atlantic Hurricane Names 2028

  1. Alex
  2. Bonnie
  3. Colin
  4. Danielle
  5. Earl
  6. Farrah
  7. Gaston
  8. Hermine
  9. Idris
  10. Julia
  11. Karl
  12. Lisa
  13. Martin
  14. Nicole
  15. Owen
  16. Paula
  17. Richard
  18. Shary
  19. Tobias
  20. Virginie
  21. Walter

Atlantic Hurricane Names 2029

  1. Arlene
  2. Bret
  3. Cindy
  4. Don
  5. Emily
  6. Franklin
  7. Gert
  8. Harold
  9. Idalia
  10. Jose
  11. Katia
  12. Lee
  13. Margot
  14. Nigel
  15. Ophelia
  16. Philippe
  17. Rina
  18. Sean
  19. Tammy
  20. Vince
  21. Whitney

How are Hurricanes Named?

The World Meteorological Organization is responsible for developing the names for both Northern Pacific and Atlantic storms. They use six lists of names for Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North Pacific storms. These lists rotate, one each year.

That means every six years, the names cycle back around and get reused. If a hurricane does tremendous damage, such as Katrina, Sandy, or Harvey, the name is retired and replaced by a different name beginning with the same letter.

During the 1950s, meteorologists realized that it was difficult to keep track of unnamed stormsā€”particularly if there was more than one storm happening at any given time. By 1953, meteorologists around the United States were using names for tropical storms and cyclones.

In those days, the storm names were all female. Both male and female names were used for Northern Pacific storms in 1978, and by 1979, male and female names were being used for Atlantic storms, too.

Prior to the 1950s, meteorologists kept track of hurricanes and tropical storms by the year and the stormsā€™ order for that year. So, for instance, the fifth tropical storm of 1938 was referred to as just that ā€” the ā€œfifth tropical storm of 1938ā€ or ā€œStorm 5.ā€

Tropical storms and hurricanes that did a lot of damage received unofficial namesā€”like the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane, which did so much damage that the Miami government implemented the first known building code in the United States.

hurricane quiz

The names now alternate between male and female names, listed alphabetically and in chronological order starting with A and omitting Q and U, X, Y, and Z.  If more than 21 names are required during a season, the World Meteorological Organization used to use letters of the Greek alphabet.

No More Greek Alphabet Names

As of March 17, 2021, the Greek alphabet will no longer be used, and an auxiliary list of names will be used. The WMO said the Greek alphabet will no longer be used for the following reasons:

  • Can be too much focus on the names rather than the stormā€™s impacts.
  • Confusion with translation to other languages that are impacted by Atlantic storms.
  • Pronunciation and order in succession. Similar sounding names, Zeta, Theta, Eta, created challenges in communication.
  • There is no formal plan to retire Greek names. The 2020 hurricane season was the first in which Greek names were retired. Reuse of those names would be inappropriate.

The year 2020 was the most active for hurricanes. There were 30 named storms (beating the record of 28 in 2005).

2021 had 21 named storms, the third most active year ever. Hurricane Ida caused over $60 billion in damages. This storm hit Louisiana as a category 4 hurricane and resulted in 26 deaths in LA, and at least 50 in the Northeast region of the country.

Retired Hurricane Names In The Past Decade:

2010: Igor, Thomas

2011: Irene

2012: Sandy

2013: Ingrid

2014: N/A

2015: Erika, Joaquin

2016: Matthew, Otto

2017: Harvey, Irma, Maria, Nate

2018: Florence, Michael

2019: Dorian

2020: Laura (Eta, Iota and other letters in the Greek alphabet will no longer be used ā€” see above)

2021: Ida

2022: Fiona, Ian

2023: N/A

2024: N/A

Interesting fact: Hurricanes with “i” names are retired the most often!

Tropical Storms vs. Hurricanes

The National Hurricane Center explains that names are only given to tropical storms that have sustained wind speeds higher than 39 mph. These names will stay with the storm as it reaches hurricane strength (maximum sustained winds of 74 mph or higher). This means Tropical Storm Debby, for example, will become Hurricane Debby if it reaches maturity.

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins June 1st, peaks September 10th, and ends November 30th. Although hurricanes may form at any time.

Satellite view of Hurricane Florence over the Atlantic Ocean.

Previous Hurricane Names

Atlantic Hurricane Names 2024

  1. Alberto
  2. Beryl
  3. Chris
  4. Debby
  5. Ernesto
  6. Francine
  7. Gordon
  8. Helene
  9. Isaac
  10. Joyce
  11. Kirk
  12. Leslie
  13. Milton
  14. Nadine
  15. Oscar
  16. Patty
  17. Rafael
  18. Sara
  19. Tony
  20. Valerie
  21. William

Keep Learning

More information on hurricanes, tornados, and storm surges.

Join The Discussion

What questions do you have about hurricanes?

Have you ever experienced a hurricane in person?

Did your name make the list ? Tell us in the comments!

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Caleb Weatherbee

Caleb Weatherbee is the official forecaster for the Farmers' Almanac. His name is actually a pseudonym that has been passed down through generations of Almanac prognosticators and has been used to conceal the true identity of the men and women behind our predictions.

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Will Sybil ever be on the list as a hurricane?

Steven Alton

why has there never been a hurricane named Steve There has been a hurricane Dave and one named Bob but never Steve.


We wish they asked for input! We know a few names we’d like to see added!

Deborah Arnold

FINALLY…… Both my name and my husband’s name is in June ! I always wondered about how names were for hurricanes. Now I know. Great article… Thank you.


Where is Darlene. My name never appears.


Names mine never comes up!?

Sherry Stock

When I was in the Navy I went through Hurricane Hugo. It was really something. We got underway from Charleston, SC the day before Hugo made landfall. The one thing Iā€™ll never forget is going through the eye. It was awesome but also very eerie. I have to admit that the rocking and rolling of the ship I was on was very relaxing. It was the best sleep Iā€™ve ever had!!

Kelsey Williams

Has there ever been a Hurricane Kelsey?


Well, I didn’t make the list for 2023, but both my brother and I are on the 2024 list. That should be a stellar year!

Yolanda Armelin

I really wish the list of names could be expanded to include all of the letters in the English alphabet. There are a lot of names that could be used, including mine. After all, it’s the Greek alphabet that ends with W (Omega), not the English one.
Thank you,


Im not ready to die out


I went through Hurricane ? Andrew in 1992, lost everything but our lives. Andrew was retired as a Hurricane name.. I would suggest to listen to news reports, evacuate when told to do so. Get supplies earlier in the season, just stock up a little bit at a time. That way you won’t have to worry about things getting sold-out before the storm arrives. Fill bathtub up with water for flushing, fill garbage cans for flushing too.

Hur cane Biden

I vote adding storm to the list. Hurricane Storm. Or put “W” back in the mix & use Wendy just to watch the confusion on their face when they hear hurricane Wendy.

Letā€™s go brandon

Hurricane Biden is already here .. but I think itā€™s getting ready to DIE OUT



Rae's yt

Hey what about Hurricane Sam?


Try juicy sorry for the other one that was someone else

Jay Jay

What about the name Jessica itā€™s a very popular name




I would love a hurricane named after me!!

Sonja Brade

I was wondering has there ever been a hurricane Sonya s o n i a s o n j a I’ve looked and have not been able to find one I was just wondering has it been retired or is it on the list for future use

Lanyia isaac

How many damages did Hurricane Ida cause

Susan Higgins

Hi Lanyia, I just did a quick google search and see a couple of reports; one says it could top out at $95 billion, another says $15 billion. I guess they’re still assessing.


how about hurricane john

Edward Workman

It was a hurricane John not in Atlantic Ocean, It was in Pacific Ocean 1995


in 2020 my moms name is hannah

Melissa Blessant

How about a hurricane Holly!!

Edward Workman

It was one in 1969

tammy williams

My name is morgan

LaDonna Payne

What about Hurricane LaDonna? It’s a very unique name…

LaDonna D

I agree…lol



Darla J Woodland

How about a Darla or Lanna or Woody

George Neville John Hart

Watch storm




Robyn. Paige


what about Hurricane Bella

Myrtle R Voss

Hurricane Myrtle, would be awesome…


How about hurricane Ava?

Bella Davisson

Thereā€™s a hurricane Karen we are or we were doomed. Lol


2021 should bring us a Designer series of Hurricanes…
Hurricane Coco Chanel
Hurricane Giorgio Armani
Hurricane Calvin Klein
Hurricane Ralph Lauren
Hurricane Gianni Versace
Hurricane Louis Vuitton




they should name a hurricane kendall


What if you have 1 level home during a hurricane ? No basement


brennan is a good namr


yes it is


your name is common


Is there a Grayson hurricane?


How come their isnā€™t a hurricaneEmery it would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have never heard my name why not hurricane Brenda or beranda


crazy how many hurricanes are coming.


I have always though that they should used different names that would evoke a fear reaction. I have for some reason never been afraid of a storm named Hurricane Chantal. On the other hand, Hurricane Doris – that is one scary storm!

Sonia Chadwick

My name is Sonia, I haven’t heard about the storm that happened in 1989 that was named Sonia

Laura Clemon

My name made the list! What even crazier is that Hurricane Laura actually hit my city, Cameron LA! The winds were howling the whole night. If someone says evacuate,then leave.

Susan Higgins

We are glad you’re safe, Laura!

Nyethia R Braggs

Why not use names that are summited. Like odd or different name is unusual Nyethia.


Consider the names KarƩ (ka-RAY) or Corey


Or Kahelen (the h is silent) pronounced Kay-Len, Kay-Lin, Kay-Lyn- Kay-Lynn a very unique name for any future storm.


Rafiki would be a good name for any retired r name. I mean other than the Disney reference itā€™s so powerful and would be a really cool name for a storm


Hurricane Karen!!


My names in this year!


So is mine!


And so is mine

Laura Hebert

That is my name Laura


Do you ever look at the list and try to figure out which one is going to be the problem child of the season? Who would have ever of thought Sandy would have been the Northeast’s worst nightmare?

Austin Schumaker

Has Austin ever made it?



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