It's a fact: cold sore outbreaks can occur from exposure to summer sun. Fight painful, unsightly cold sores with these simple home remedies.
Read MoreIt's a fact: cold sore outbreaks can occur from exposure to summer sun. Fight painful, unsightly cold sores with these simple home remedies.
Read MoreHere's a fun look at some of the more spooky lore surrounding popular herbs.
Read MoreSplinter? No problem! Just try one of these home remedies for splinter removal.
Read MoreEverything you need to know to protect yourself and your family from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Read MoreIf you’ve been thinking about raising chickens, consider Easter egger chickens which are known for producing a rainbow of colored eggs. Check out these colorful egg layers. Easter Egger Chickens Easter egger chickens are a mixed-breed chicken with delightful, amusing personalities that many people add to their flock due to the fact that they lay eggs
Read MorePoison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac—learn to identify and avoid these common itch-causing plants for a healthier, happier summer.
Read MoreEasy, natural ways to melt ice around your home this winter!
Read MoreThat signature brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet is great for first aid tasks, but it does a whole lot more. See the list!
Read MoreHiccups—we all get them at one time or another. They're embarrassing, annoying, and funny, but what's the deal, why do we have them, and do these cures work?
Read MoreIf you are unlucky enough to come in contact with poison ivy, here are some natural remedies to help reduce the itching and pain, plus tricks to prevent the nasty rash.
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