Did you know that meteorologists define seasons differently than the average person? The seasons you are familiar with, according to the calendar, are “astronomical,” but the seasons that your meteorologist chats about on the evening news are “meteorological.” For meteorologists, the seasons are defined by the months with temperatures and weather often associated with each.
If summer solstice marks the first day of summer, why is “Midsummer” just a few days later? Learn the origins of this special holiday and discover fun Midsummer celebrations for your friends and family! Origins of Midsummer and St. John’s Day Midsummer celebrates the joy of long, warm days spent outside in the summertime. It’s
“Manhattanhenge” (Manhattan henge), popularized by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson of the American Museum of Natural History, refers to times when the Sun aligns with the streets in New York City (east-west) and becomes framed by skyscrapers as it sets. The term is a nod to Stonehenge, a prehistoric observatory in Wiltshire, England, which aligns with
The midpoint of summer officially occurs on August 7, 2025 (halfway between summer solstice and fall equinox). Depending on how your summer is going, may be either good news or bad news. But one thing is constant for nearly everyone in the Northern Hemisphere: the nights get longer and longer. Summer is when the Sun
When is the Winter Solstice? The winter solstice, which marks the first day of winter 2025, occurs on Sunday, December 21, 2025, 10:03 a.m. EST. (for the Northern Hemisphere). Learn what causes this change in seasons and winter solstice traditions from around the world. What Is Winter Solstice? Winter solstice is the astronomical moment when
When Is The First Day of Fall in 2025? The first day of fall 2025 arrives with the fall equinox on Monday, September 22, 2025, 2:19 p.m. What Is The Fall Equinox? In mid-September each year, we greet the fall season with the arrival of the fall equinox (otherwise known as the autumnal equinox). This