Holidays & Events

Event related posts regarding holidays, observances, forecasts, astronomical and other noteworthy events.

Veterans Day 2025: Date, Meaning, and History

Veterans Day 2025: Date, Meaning, and History featured image

Veterans Day is celebrated every November 11 in the United States. Veterans Day 2025 is Tuesday, November 11, 2025. This annual federal holiday honors those who served in the United States Armed Forces. Why November 11th? Veterans Day is observed on November 11 in commemoration of the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that

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Celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day

Celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day featured image

Johnny Appleseed Day is a celebration of the life and legacy of John Chapman, better known as “Johnny Appleseed.” An American pioneer, he is best known for introducing apple trees to large parts of the United States. Every year on September 26th, people across the country come together to honor this legendary figure and the

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