Mulching is a great natural way to fight weeds without harsh chemicals. Check out these methods and tips for a weed-free garden!
Read MoreMulching is a great natural way to fight weeds without harsh chemicals. Check out these methods and tips for a weed-free garden!
Read MorePoison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac—learn to identify and avoid these common itch-causing plants for a healthier, happier summer.
Read MoreWhich vegetables should you plant? Here are our top picks for easy growing veggies.
Read MoreMake a little extra room in your garden or a few flower pots and build your herbal tea garden with these easy tips.
Read MoreIs this saying about March true? We take a closer look at this bit of weather folklore.
Read MoreIs your house being invaded by ladybugs this fall? We explain why.
Read MoreHere's a list of veggies to start now for an abundant fall harvest!
Read MoreYou work hard on your garden so the last thing you want is wildlife destroying your bounty. What’s a nature-loving gardener to do? Here’s how to fight back against garden pests—of all types—without resorting to harsh tactics or chemicals.
Read MoreWe share 10 cool things about these tiny, amazing birds along with feeding tips, plus when you will see them in your back yard!
Read MoreIf you're anxious to get outside in the garden, but the temperatures are still too cold, why not go ahead and start seeds indoors?
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