If you’ve been wondering if nature’s timing is off, you’re not alone! Reports of plants blooming at odd times and migratory birds showing up early or late are becoming more and more common. Climate change has made nature’s documented cycles unreliable, and we can no longer use a standard calendar to plan our gardens. This is why savvy gardeners are turning to "phenology," a practice which is more in-tune with nature and less dependent on set dates. Learn how to read Mother Nature's cues and plant in synch with the environment. Read on.
Plant Hardiness Zones are areas on a map that tell you which plants will do best where you live. They are based on the average lowest temperatures of each region of the US. Find your Plant Hardiness Zone using the official map above. Hardiness zones are sometimes referred to as “growing zones” or “gardener’s zones”
Grasshoppers seem like fun, nice bugs, but they aren't so good for your garden. For many cultures, they are a symbol of abundance and courage, but in reality they are generally considered to be pests. Want to learn how to safeguard your garden from them? Read more important info after the jump.
Yes, you can grow vegetables in dry climates or during droughts. Here is a list of the best vegetables to plant, as well as tips on how to keep things growing during dry conditions. Xeriscaping is a fancy word for a method of landscaping in dry climates. In addition to employing water conservation techniques, it
Is there such thing as a shade plant? Sure, that shady spot is a welcome respite especially during the Dog Days of Summer, but that same sun-hidden area can present a gardening challenge. The first step to figuring out shade plant options is understanding what type of shade you have. All shade is not equal.
This member of the Brassicaceae family is known as being a traditional Thanksgiving side dish. Turnips are so easy to grow and come in different varieties but purple and white are the most popular. You can grow the large ones, which can get as big as tennis balls, or try small turnips that resemble radishes.
There are so many great reasons to grow spinach! This nutritional powerhouse is a versatile green, perfect on salads, in sandwiches, or cooked in a variety of ways—and it’s a plant that does as well in container gardens as vegetable beds if you don’t have a lot of garden space. How To Plant Spinach Start:
Jack-O-Lanterns, pumpkin pies, pumpkin soup—the possibilities are limitless! Grow the perfect pumpkin, from pie pumpkins, tiny pumpkins to use in your fall décor, or giant pumpkins that will impress your fellow gardeners! How To Plant Pumpkins Start: If you live in an area with a long growing season, then you can plant pumpkin seeds directly
Want a rapidly maturing crop that you can plant in succession for a steady supply of vegetables all summer long? Then radishes are the way to go! Crispy and tasty, they’re great cooked or sliced on salads. How To Plant Radishes Start: Always start radishes from seed! They’ll germinate in just 4 to 5 days.