Here are 6 easy winter bird bath ideas to keep a fresh supply of water for your feathered friends when the mercury plummets.
Read MoreHere are 6 easy winter bird bath ideas to keep a fresh supply of water for your feathered friends when the mercury plummets.
Read MoreAs you plan your spring garden, why not create a backyard oasis with a Moon Garden that you can enjoy on moonlit night? Try these easy ideas to create yours!
Read MoreWhat is this pinstriped squash and how is it prepared? Discover why delicata squash is gaining in popularity, and try this simple, yummy recipe!
Read MoreVoles, also known as field mice or meadow mice, can be a huge problem for gardeners. These early fall strategies can prevent a vole infestation without chemicals.
Read MoreThe monarch butterfly is the most beautiful and interesting creature in the insect world, and its migration is a source of fascination for many. How much do you know about them? These 10 facts that will amaze!
Read MoreMost of us have some experience growing herbs, but what about spices? You can easily grow these spices in your garden this year. Here's how to get started!
Read MoreFor almost every vegetable you grow, there is likely to be a beneficial companion plant that will help increase soil nutrients, chase away pests, and help you get the most out of your garden. Companion planting is a great way to maximize the efficiency of your garden! Here is a list of the 17 most popular
Read MoreFact: 130 billion pounds of food is tossed each year in the U.S. alone. But with a few minor tweaks to the way we eat, shop, and think, we can stop food waste. These 12 smart and easy hacks can help!
Read MoreCelery for bad breath? Vodka for smelly feet? Check out these simple—yet sometimes wacky—home remedies that use products found right in your pantry!
Read MorePreserving heirloom seeds is not only a wonderful way to celebrate family traditions, but a way to trim your yearly gardening budget and help preserve unique varieties of plants. We have the step-by-step instructions so you can get started this year.
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