
Articles of weather folklore, flower lore, myths, legends and more from the Farmers’ Almanac.

Larkspur The July Birth Flower

Larkspur The July Birth Flower featured image

In the heat of summer, brilliant blooms of larkspur color the landscape across the northern hemisphere. As the traditional July month birth flower, larkspur is synonymous with summer, but it also has surprisingly rich folklore and symbolism that make it meaningful and far more than just a pretty flower. Along with the alternative July birth

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June Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

June Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts featured image

Welcome June! This month is all about peace and love. Between the resurgence of happiness in May and the strength that resonates in July, June is a month of balance. For those in the Northern hemisphere, it means the start of summer and warmer weather. Farmers’ Almanac invites you to discover delightful June birth month

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Rose The June Birth Flower

Rose The June Birth Flower featured image

Rose, the June birth flower, is perhaps the most famous flower in all of botany. But why is it regarded as the go-to symbol for love, how is it rooted in folklore around the globe, and what’s the difference in meaning between pink roses and the other color varieties? Discover what lies beneath this traditional

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May Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

May Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts featured image

Welcome May! This month is about the happiness that unfolds as blossoms burst forth in vibrant colors. For many people in the Northern Hemisphere, thoughts of summer fun come to mind as temperatures rise to comfortable new highs and spring’s stormy weather tends to balance out. Farmers’ Almanac invites you to discover delightful May birth

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Lily Of The Valley The May Birth Flower

Lily Of The Valley The May Birth Flower featured image

Lily of the valley is a sweet, nostalgic flower that typically thrives during the rich spring conditions of May. These clumping blooms sprout their delicate bell-like blossoms throughout the month, making them a lovely choice for the May birth month flower. But how much do you know about lily of the valley meaning and the

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April Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

April Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts featured image

Welcome April! This month arrives after the change of seasons from winter into spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) and therefore symbolizes innocent beginnings, which must be protected. Deep healing comes through that process, leading to beautiful new growth all around you—from lush gardens to joyful friends and family. The Farmers’ Almanac invites you to explore many different

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Daisy The April Birth Flower

Daisy The April Birth Flower featured image

With their sunny booms, quick growth, and innocent childhood associations, daisies are the ultimate spring flower and a perfect choice as the April birth flower. But why are these sweet blooms associated with April and what does folklore say about daisy flower meaning? Here’s everything you need to know about daisies to celebrate spring. Plus,

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March Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

March Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts featured image

Welcome March! This month is all about transitions and rebirth. It represents the reawakening of nature and a period of rejuvenation and personal growth to match! Let’s acknowledge the renewal and the prospects of new beginnings. The Farmers Almanac invites you to discover many different March symbols: flowers, stones, zodiac signs, herbs, and bird of the month,

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February Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

February Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts featured image

Hello February! This month is all about cozy moments and peaceful thoughts. Let’s appreciate the calm and lovely side of the February birth month by learning what makes it special. The Farmers’ Almanac invites you to check out all the different signs and February symbols: flowers, stones, zodiac signs, herbs and bird of the month, and more!

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January Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts

January Birth Month Symbols And Fun Facts featured image

Welcome January! It’s a time for new aspirations and fresh beginnings. Enjoy this remarkable month to the fullest by joining the Farmers’ Almanac as we take a deep dive into the many symbols for January birth month, including flowers, stones, herbs, bird of the month, zodiac signs, and more! Ahead you’ll also find January fun

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