Farmers’ Almanac Canadian Winter Weather Forecast 2021-2022

From Farmers’ Almanac Weather Archive –
Canada’s Extended Winter Weather Forecast 2021-2022
What’s in store for Canada’s weather? Find out why we’re calling this a frosty flip-flop winter!
Every year since 1818, the Farmers’ Almanac has provided long-range weather predictions that help you plan ahead. These forecasts are based on a mathematical and astronomical formula that is guided by the rules set forth by our founding editor, David Young. This formula has been altered slightly over the years, but it remains very much the same as it was first created for accurately predicting the weather up to two years in advance.
Grab Your Gloves: Farmers’ Almanac Is Calling For A Frosty Flip-Flop Winter Ahead
What’s in store for the winter of 2021-2022 in Canada? Well, grab your gloves and fetch your fleece—it’s going to be a yo-yo type of winter with notable polar coaster swings in temperatures.Winter in Canada means snow. But how much? Will the winter enthusiasts jump for joy? Will skiing fans rejoice? According to the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac, snow will fall this winter but at a near-normal, average amount from coast to coast. However, there will be notable month month-to-month flip-flops that may help the snow-lover do the happy dance.
Winter in Canada means snow. But how much? Will the winter enthusiasts jump for joy? Will skiing fans rejoice? According to the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac, snow will fall this winter but at a near-normal, average amount from coast to coast. However, there will be notable month month-to-month flip-flops that may help the snow-lover do the happy dance.
Snow’s The Word
Winter wetness AND whiteness sum up January 2022’s weather outlook. We’re calling for a stormy month, particularly near and along the Atlantic Seaboard where there will be many days of rain, snow, and everything in between. Other areas of the country will also see many days of wintry precipitation, including the West Coast, which starts out mild and wet but turns stormy and white.
In sharp contrast, February will average out to be a much quieter month in terms of storminess across much of the nation. For example, in Quebec and the Maritimes, we calculate that on average there will be almost 60% fewer days of measurable precipitation as compared to January.
But that doesn’t mean that storminess will be completely absent. We’re forecasting a “winter whopper” for parts of Quebec and Ontario for the end of the month.
March will see close out the winter season with close-to-normal precipitation nationwide.

How Cold?
Grab your fleece and stock up on firewood. This winter’s temperatures will require some additional wool to keep the cold away. Overall we are predicting temperatures to range from near to somewhat below normal across the Eastern-third of the nation, to well below normal over Central Canada, and near normal across Western Canada.
Winter Temperatures: Month-By-Month
January temperatures will average out milder than normal over much of Eastern and Central Canada, particularly during the first half of the month with a trend toward colder weather toward month’s end.
February, on the other hand, looks very cold, particularly across the Prairies and Rockies. British Columbia won’t be as frigid, but even out there, an unseasonable chill will be evident during the second week and again during the final days of the month.
Spring Snows?
In March, most parts of the nation will be anxiously awaiting springlike days, but they will be few and far between. In fact, around the time of the vernal equinox unseasonably cold temperatures may be gripping many parts of the country.
Farmers’ Almanac Winter Weather Forecast US 2022-23
Farmers’ Almanac Winter Weather Forecast Canada 2022-23

Caleb Weatherbee
Caleb Weatherbee is the official forecaster for the Farmers' Almanac. His name is actually a pseudonym that has been passed down through generations of Almanac prognosticators and has been used to conceal the true identity of the men and women behind our predictions.