Does the Moon Rise in the East?
Ever wonder if the moon follows the same rise and set pattern as the sun?

You may be surprised to learn that, more often that not, the Moon rises in the east and sets in the west; however, depending on the phase of the Moon and the time of the year, the rising might actually occur in the east-northeast or east-southeast, and the setting might take place in the west-northwest or west-southwest.
When the Moon is full, it rises close to due east and sets close to due west on those dates nearest the Vernal and Fall Equinoxes. In fact, when the Moon is full, it’s nearly opposite the setting Sun. As you watch the Sun set, turn around and you’ll find the full Moon rising.
This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!
wtf kind of brainless garbage is this
“you might be surprised to learn this thing that only ever happens this way ever”
It’s generally referred to as “satire” …aka: a joke!!
To be fair, it may be awkwardly written, but sometimes the moon does NOT rise directly east or set directly in the west. Tonight, in early January, the moon is setting markedly north of true west. In July it will set west-southwest.