Cold Sores: Treatment and Remedies
It's a fact: cold sore outbreaks can occur from exposure to summer sun. Fight painful, unsightly cold sores with these simple home remedies.

Uh-oh. you’ve been hanging out in the hot sun and now there’s a red, painful blister making itself at home on your lip. Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. The virus, which is most often picked up during childhood, usually lies dormant, waiting for the body to be weakened by stress or illness and sometimes the heat of the summer sun. What can you do to relieve the pain of a cold sore?
Cold Sores vs Canker Sores?
Cold sores are often confused with canker sores, but they do not affect the same areas. Cold sores generally form around the mouth or nose, though they can appear—less frequently—on the gums or roof of the mouth. Canker sores, which are caused by bacterial infections, usually form on the inner cheeks or tongue. Canker sores also look different from cold sores. They appear as small, round, white areas surrounded by a red halo. It’s important to know the difference, because cold sores are contagious, while canker sores are not.
More Common Than You Think
It is estimated that 80% of Americans have been exposed to the virus that causes cold sores, though many of those who are infected never develop cold sores because their immune systems are able to completely suppress outbreaks.
Cold Sore Remedies
While there is no cure for the virus that causes cold sores, the sores themselves generally clear up on their own within a week or two. In the meantime, there are steps you can take to reduce the pain and prevent further outbreaks:
- Echinacea can help fight the virus and boost the immune system.
- Exercise will strengthen your immune system, promoting healing, and reduce stress to help prevent further outbreaks.
- Ice can help to numb the pain and reduce the inflammation. Apply a cold compress to the area during the earliest stage of development, usually marked by a tingling sensation.
- Lysine, an essential amino acid found in many foods we regularly eat, can help to contain the spread of cold sores. You can increase your Lysine intake by taking a Lysine supplement — 1,000 mg, three times a day — or applying a Lysine ointment to the site of the outbreak. The benefits of Lysine are offset by arginine, another amino acid found in foods like chocolate, peanuts, almonds, grain cereals, peas, gelatin, and beer. For best results, avoid these foods for the duration of your outbreak.
- Lemon balm, an herb that looks like mint, when applied to the site of a cold sore, has been shown to cut recovery time in half in some people, and can also help to prevent future outbreaks.
- Peppermint oil, applied to the site of the sore, will help to fight off the virus. External use only.
- Vitamin B deficiency has been linked with cold sore outbreaks. There are actually eight distinct vitamins in the B family — thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, and cobalamin — which are responsible for promoting a strong immune system and healthy cell growth. Take a B-Complex supplement at least once daily.
- Witch hazel can help to dry out the sore, which will allow it to heal faster and prevent oozing.
- Zinc can bind with the virus to promote healing and prevent the sores from spreading. Apply a water-based zinc solution several times a day.
Other Cold Sore Tips:
- Use a petroleum-based ointment or lip balm to keep the infected area moist. This can help to contain the infection, protect it from sun and wind, and keep the area soft to prevent cracking.
- Don’t touch, rub, or scratch them, as this can spread the infection to yourself and others. If you must touch the sore, be sure to wash your hands immediately. Keep the area clean with gentle soap and warm water.
- Avoid salty or acidic foods, which can irritate them.

Jaime McLeod
Jaime McLeod is a longtime journalist who has written for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites, including She enjoys the outdoors, growing and eating organic food, and is interested in all aspects of natural wellness.
There are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both virus types can cause sores around the mouth (herpes labialis) and on the genitals (genital herpes). It’s also crucial to learn as much as you can about your diagnosis. Seek options, Find out about what’s out there that could help: worldrehabilitateclinic. com for all chronic disease.
The doctors said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But strong active herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure visit (,)
L-Lysine heals them for me. Or an anti-virus Rx pill. Dr. said we’re lacking a protein when we have a breakout. Proteins are like the staves in a barrel; lack one and all the contents of the barrel leak out. Lack L- Lysine & we get a cold sore. Lysine replaces that stave almost every time and so it heals the cold sore. Better yet, take L-Lysine (800 mg to 1000 mg) daily, it’s just another protein so it doesn’t hurt you. I used to have them so bad they’d go from my nose to my lip or vice-versa, horrid looking, big, brown scabs! Stress brings mine on, RIGHT NOW. Find what’s triggering your’s, (you already are; your STD blood test, finding those herbs etc., kudos to you!) and one of these days it’ll be months since you had an outbreak. Yay!
As soon as I stop taking vitamin D for a couple of days my cold sores go away !!! It’s just that simple ! My Doc said to take extra vitamin D instead of extra fish oil ! Immediately started experiencing cold sores ! Even taking 1 D every day causes me to get cold sores ! As soon as I stop they go away !
Valtrex from your doctor same type they would use for genital herpes.Take one pill as soon as you start to feel the itchy tingle coming on your lip the 12 hours later take one more. Works every time. My daughters doctor told us about this he can prescribe her like 30 pills then they last a long time.
tea tree oil works great for me. the more i use it the less i have, and the smaller they have become too.
At the first tingle grab a galic clove cut it in half the rub the juice on the spot that tingles. If you do itin time there won’t be a blister.
Works everytime.
vicks vabo rub works for that first tingle and usually keeps mine from breaking out.
Ummm….how about as soon as you feel that first “tingle”…simply grab the Blistex?
Colloidal silver saved me when I had a terrible canker sore a few years ago. Will remember this for cold sores now. I’ve also heard that liquid Pepto-Bismol applied at first sign of a cold sore works. Maybe have a swig while you’re at it since upset tummies can sometimes lead to cold sores. Lysine is my go to; and not just one ………..start them at first sign and take them all day ………most times the cold sore just never develops.
I have found that using colloidal silver works great. I use a small round band-aid with a small hole cut in the back. I then use the eyedropper to apply the silver into the hole in the band-aid over a couple hours. Most of the time you never know have one except for the red spot on my lip.