Holidays & Events

Event related posts regarding holidays, observances, forecasts, astronomical and other noteworthy events.

How To Celebrate Saint Nicholas Day on December 6th

How To Celebrate Saint Nicholas Day on December 6th featured image

For many people in North America, the name Saint Nicholas (or “Old St. Nick”) is synonymous with Santa Claus. But in some parts of the world, Saint Nicholas has his own day, several weeks before Christmas, on December 6th. Learn how this special day is celebrated. Who Was Saint Nick? You could say the modern

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Earth Day

Earth Day featured image

Earth Day started in 1970 during my college years. I remember it as being a day to plant a tree and to “love the earth” for at least one day. It grew out of a concern about overpopulation and the need to get to “Zero Population Growth” in the world.  But, over the years, the importance of Earth

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