Buck Moon Horoscopes — July 2023

As we dance into the first few weeks of summer, the heat will be rising! July is always a festive month to celebrate Independence Day, have cookouts, and attend summer festivals. It’s also a great time to take stock of how far you’ve come. This year’s Buck Moon (July 2023) falls nearly in the middle of the year, which gives you a unique opportunity to review your accomplishments from the first six months of 2023, find gratitude, and make plans for what you will tackle in the remaining six months. Look to the sky and dream big! This Buck Moon is also the first of four Supermoons in a row. (The next two will occur in August and the final in September.) For these reasons, we considered our popular Zodiac Calendar and consulted globally recognized astrologer Kyle Thomas to create a special horoscope report for you. Here are ways that July’s Buck Moon may affect you according to your zodiac sign …
A General Note About Full Moons And Astrology
Full Moons are believed to be the most intense periods of time within any given lunar cycle. (Learn more about the Phases of the Moon.) During these times, you may feel emotional, passionate, and irritable. Full moons always bring a turning point, culmination, breakthrough, breakdown, or ending. Learn how to use these times for much needed self-care.
Buck Moon 2023 Astrology
When does the Buck Moon take place? The Full Buck Moon reaches peak illumination on July 3, 2023 at 7:39 AM EST at 11 degrees of Capricorn. (Each sign of the zodiac is comprised of 30 degrees, so 11 degrees would mean that the Moon is positioned approximately one third of the full length of Capricorn as it heads towards Aquarius. See the illustration below.)

Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign on the wheel and is the opposite polarity of Cancer. Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign, which means that it helps us to pioneer toward our goals and see results.
The axis of Cancer-Capricorn aids us in understanding the legacies that we build, as well as how we build from tradition and the past. While Cancer links to our domestic lives, heritage, ancestors, past, and the home, Capricorn oversees our professional success, career matters, public recognition, and the legacies we will build toward ultimately. In a sense, this duality mirrors the private and public life of each individual.
Learn more about all zodiac signs
This is one of the best full Moons energetically in 2023 due to certain planetary placements in the zodiac. The first thing to note is that the full Moon will be opposite Mercury, the planet of the mind. This will cause us to need to balance our thoughts and emotions, as we may fluctuate from being deep in our feelings one moment but then overly analytical the next.
Luck will be on our sides, though, as the full Moon kisses Jupiter, the planet of joy and expansion. This will likely bring a relaxed, positive energy for us all, and can even increase popularity, success, wealth, or a major breakthrough.
Saturn, the planet of stability, also smiles upon the full Moon, which will make us disciplined, focused, and crave a sense of security. Relationships should experience a more loyal, committed energy.
Venus, the planet of love, unites with Mars, the planet of passion, which also foretells happy relations and pleasure. Yet, these two cosmic lovers will clash with Uranus, which may bring a need for adventure, a new routine, or a desire to step out of our comfort zones. Above all, look to build your life and legacy—and the harder you work or the more you invest, the more you may be handsomely rewarded.
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Buck Moon Horoscopes By Zodiac Sign
Here is a quick guide for how you may be affected by July’s full Buck Moon. (Find your birthday in the date ranges below to read your personal horoscope.)
♈ ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
You may have a major pay off with regards to your hard work. This full Moon ignites your ambitions, puts a spotlight on your professional life, and brings a major moment around your career. This could create glorious success if you’re on the right track, especially in the form of a promotion, award, public recognition, or even a new job offer.
However if you’re not in the right lane, you may realize it’s time to re-strategize your professional plans.
♉ TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Get ready for an opportunity to embrace a sense of expansion and adventure. You’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and peer into the vast horizon. This would be a fantastic time to plan long-distance travel or focus on international relations, immigration, or jetting off somewhere exotic.
Mixing and mingling with different people, cultures, and spiritualities may also open your mind. If you’re involved in publishing or academics, a significant moment around these themes may also pop up.
♊ GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
The truth in union will be here to face now, Gemini. On one hand, you could be growing closer with someone—or may be splitting apart like leaves blowing in the wind. You could finalize a settlement, especially in the form of a divorce or some other legalities. Intimacy and sexuality will be ignited if you’re in a happy relationship.
Pay attention to big money matters. You may see the arrival of a bigger benefits package, venture capital, a line of credit or loan, or a shift around your assets.
♋ CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Partnership will be your most important focus now. If you’re in a happy union, expect to be growing closer and making long-term promises, whether that’s to move in, get engaged, commit, or get married. If not, you may find that it’s time to face the music and go separate ways.
Contracts, negotiations, and client relations in business may also appear.
♌ LEO (July 23 – August 22)
You’re firing on all cylinders at this full moon, Leo! You love to be busy, but this lunation will see you juggling many different responsibilities, plans, routines, and projects.
You may be finishing a major endeavor for your employer or even leaving one job to begin another. If you’re out of work or looking for a better job, keep your eyes out and apply! Last, with your physical health on your mind, you may be working on a new diet or exercise goal, too.
♍ VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Magic and romance are in the air for you now! As the full Moon rises, your heart could nearly burst with joy! This is an amazing time to relax, have fun, and embrace your heart’s desires.
You may find yourself living in the moment and reveling in what makes you happy. Focus on romance, regardless if you’re single or in a relationship, and you could find yourself falling in love. If you’re creative, this is a great time to immerse yourself in art!

♎ LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Your domestic life will be especially important now, especially if you’re hosting an event, inviting family over, or even preparing for a move or renovation.
If you’d like to make a change, such as redecorating or looking at real estate, you’ll also be quite in luck. If your family needs help in any way, you may also need to step in.
♏ SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
The world is listening to you even more than usual now. Your mind and communication talents are especially peaked. This is a great time to speak up and get active on a writing, speaking, advertising, or educational project.
A contract may also manifest near this time or get you to sign on the dotted line. Last, you could feel the urge to shake it up and jump onto some short distance travel, which would fill you with joy.
♐ SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Money is coming in and going out quite quickly now. Keep your eyes on your nest egg! Luckily, this full Moon could bring the arrival of a raise, new job offer, side hustle, or lucrative client.
If you’d like to raise your rates in a freelance way, you could find that this is a great time to do so. If for some reason an income source or job ends near this time, get hustling … something else is around the corner.
♑ CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
It is time to assert yourself and step into the spotlight, Capricorn. The most important full Moon of the year arrives with your name on it! This will likely bring a big culmination near a personal or professional goal that you’ve been working hard toward for quite some time. You have more dominance now, so don’t be afraid to lay down the law! You may also find that a relationship is the focus of your attention at this time.
♒ AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
The universe is telling you to cool your jets and rest and recharge. You’ll be glad that you did. If you’re feeling more burnt out, make sure to listen to your heart, soul, and body. Rest isn’t a luxury—it’s important for everyone. Last to note is that you could feel the need to connect with a counselor, specialist, or therapist.
♓ PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Celebrate life now, Pisces! You’ll be feeling eager to connect with many people! If you’d like to network, expand your crew, or even ask a favor from someone in your community, you’re quite in luck! Don’t be afraid to speak up—people are listening and love you!
FA Astrology
The Farmers’ Almanac famous Best Days and Gardening By The Moon calendars are based on the astrological placements of the Sun and Moon. Horoscopes are metaphysical interpretations based on similar principles.
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Kyle Thomas
Kyle Thomas is an expert astrologer who writes for The New York Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire, Elite Daily, Bustle,and more. He has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC and ABC television. Kyle is globally recognized as a "celebrity astrologer" for his guidance of well known actors in Hollywood and prominent business executives, but he also loves sharing his comic insights with everyday people. His work explains how astrology influences lifestyle and trends worldwide. Learn more about him at KyleThomasAstrology.com.