If you are unlucky enough to come in contact with poison ivy, here are some natural remedies to help reduce the itching and pain, plus tricks to prevent the nasty rash.
Read MoreIf you are unlucky enough to come in contact with poison ivy, here are some natural remedies to help reduce the itching and pain, plus tricks to prevent the nasty rash.
Read MoreFlowers add color, beauty, and cheer to yards and landscapes everywhere. Here are some good tips on how to get started.
Read MoreYou work hard on your garden so the last thing you want is wildlife destroying your bounty. What’s a nature-loving gardener to do? Here’s how to fight back against garden pests—of all types—without resorting to harsh tactics or chemicals.
Read MoreEver wonder if the moon follows the same rise and set pattern as the sun?
Read MoreWe share 10 cool things about these tiny, amazing birds along with feeding tips, plus when you will see them in your back yard!
Read MoreLearn the history behind birthday parties as well as where these common birthday traditions come from.
Read MoreSpring is a crazy time for weather, especially April! Check out some of these April weather lore sayings. How many of these do you know?
Read MoreEver wonder what is meant by the "light of the moon," or the "dark of the moon?"
Read MoreEarth Day started in 1970 during my college years. I remember it as being a day to plant a tree and to “love the earth” for at least one day. It grew out of a concern about overpopulation and the need to get to “Zero Population Growth” in the world. But, over the years, the importance of Earth
Read MoreIs Mother Nature "fooling" us this spring? When will April get warmer?
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