We've got some fascinating facts about our solar system's largest planet.
Read MoreWe've got some fascinating facts about our solar system's largest planet.
Read MoreGemini is the third constellation of the zodiac. Its name is Latin for “twins,” because it contains the two bright stars commonly known as Castor and Pollux, named after prominent twin brothers in Greek and Roman mythology. Astrologically, the Sun resides in the house of Gemini from May 21-June 20 each year. The astrological symbol
Read MoreEverything you need to know to protect yourself and your family from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Read MoreIf you’ve been thinking about raising chickens, consider Easter egger chickens which are known for producing a rainbow of colored eggs. Check out these colorful egg layers. Easter Egger Chickens Easter egger chickens are a mixed-breed chicken with delightful, amusing personalities that many people add to their flock due to the fact that they lay eggs
Read MoreMulching is a great natural way to fight weeds without harsh chemicals. Check out these methods and tips for a weed-free garden!
Read MorePerhaps you’ve heard the old proverb that warns not to plant until after the “Three Ice Men” have passed, but do you know who these mysterious Ice Men are? We explain.
Read MorePoison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac—learn to identify and avoid these common itch-causing plants for a healthier, happier summer.
Read MoreWater devils and waterspouts are an impressive natural phenomenon. Learn more about these "sea serpents."
Read MoreDo you know the difference between the astrological and astronomical positions of the Moon? Learn why the Farmers' Almanac includes both.
Read MoreWhich vegetables should you plant? Here are our top picks for easy growing veggies.
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